The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF 'MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR No. 605 W37 Oct. 12, w·. L. JETER, COLUl\IBUS, GEORGIA, TO MIRABEAU B [UO).JAPAR.'l'E) LAl\IAR, 'l'EXAS 575 Answering a letter of Lamar's giving direction regarding the dis- posal 0£ his papers; personal and family plans; a request for advice; the sale of the [Enquirer] ; p;ood wishes for the success of Lamar's Texas press and for his political pr~ferment; personal messages. A. L. S. 3 p.

No. 606

1837 Oct. 13, S. A. R013JiR'l'S TO M. B. L.AlVIAR

Mobile Oct 13th 1837

Dear Genl. We hear y~u are still in N. 0. and feel considerable apprehensions for your safety-a very :fine ·schooner will positivly ,sail on tuesday morning the 17th for :Matagorda & has promised to touch at Galvaston to-land her passengers- Col Plummer & Gen) Dunlap of Tennessee are both to be passengers- I have taken a berth for you, & hope you will return immediately & go with us She is said to be a remarkably fast vessel & has performed the trip from :i.\fobile Galvaston in 48 hours Do come- ·

Your friend in haste

Saml A Roberts [rubric]

Genl 1\1. B. Lamar N. Orleans [Addressed]


Genl )1. B. Lamar Ne"· Orleans

Recd & forwarded by Yr Obt Sevt S. Ricker Jr.

No. 607 [1837] Oct. 14, OLIVIA [A. ROBER'l'S i'l1ATIIER) TO 1\1. B. LAMAR

My earliest and best loved friend :Mobile October tlie 14 [1837] Come back to 11s instantly ( 1) c<1me back-I learned late last night that you had missed the boat £or 'l'exas and was still at the lake house your death is talked of here as an event that mnst soon take place they say you cannot escape should you attempt the Red River route· as we fear you will do. I am so much alarmed that I have lost the powers-to think about it almost-and can only repeat come back- corne at once and you will yet be in time for the Brig which goes in two or three or fonr days at the latest-a large party I believe dine with us tomorrow who are

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