The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 599

[1837 c. Sept. 30, MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LA IAR, :\IOBILE, ALAB l\fA] TO ["l\fANY CITIZENS OF MOBILE"] Accepting their invitation to a _Public dinner on Oct. 2. A. Df. of w·. J. Jones. 4 p. No. 600 1837 Oct. 2, RESOLUTIONS I HOUSE OF REPRESEi - TATIVE [HOUST01 ] 4 ~ Resolved that the Auditor of accounts be required to lay before the Blouse the reason why he refused to audit the discharges of the vol- unteers who served a tour of duty under the command of eapt J.\Iichael Costly and Captn Geo. W. Jewell. · ( (Signed) John 11L Shreve ro. 601 1837 Oct. 4, R.. E. IIA1\1DY TO I. B. LAMAR City of Richmond Republic of Texa October 4th 1837 My Dear Genl. House of Repre entatives 2nd Octr 1837. I should have written to you ome time ago; but have heard for the last three munths, that you were on your way home, and did not know where to direct my Letter&-- I have much, very to say to you; but being in doubt whether this Letter will ever reach you or not, l must eontent myself, at least 'till I hear from you, with saying- That yo'ltr friends desire yow· imrnediate. return- and that you1· coimtry DE· • ·A DS it/ Ever Truly Your Friend I saw Gen Rusk a few days ago Robert Eden Handy

he is not and will not be in the field for the next President To/ Genl. Birabeau B Lamar [Address:] To/ Genl. l\Iirabeau B Lamar Houston Texas


Letter of Robt. E. Ilandy October 4th. 1837 -Richmond- "PrlntUd ln Winkler, E. W. (Ed.), The-Secret Journals of the Senate, 71. ".Copy.

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