The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



you think me enthusiastic, I must beg that you will let the importance of the subject plead my excuse. With the highest respect, I am y-0ud Obedt Servant, [Addressed] His Excellency l\L B. Lamar • Vice President of the Republic of Texas City of Houston Favoured by Mr John Knies. Nathaniel Holley.

No. 595

1837 Sept. 16, W[ILLIAl\f D. REDD, COLIDIBUS, GEORGIA, TO WILLIAl\1 l\L l\foCRA VEN, HOUSTON, TEXAS On business of the Land Company; other business matters and messages. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 596 1837 Sept.16, THO[~IA]S H. HILL, UYRTLE SPRINGS, TEXAS, TO l\I[IRABEAU) B[UONAPARTE) LAl\IAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS Requesting Lamar's good offices in the collection of his claims against the Government for clerical work; a friendly message to President [Houston.] A. L. S. 1 p. No. 597 1837 Sept. 20, R[OBER'l'] A. IRIO"N", [HOUSTON, TEXAS) TO ill[E.1\IUCA.N] IIUNT, WASHINGTON, [D. C.)• 3 Indian intruders in Texas; their intention to unite with .Mexico against Texas; General Gaines·s service against them in the cam- paign of 1836. Copy (extract). 2 p. Ko. 598 1837 Sept. 29, TEXAS SE~ATE, HOUSTON [TEXAS) 0 . Secret resolution, authorizing the President pro tcm. of the Senate to write to Lamar, "requesting & enjoining" his return to Texns, in view of t11e crisis presented by Houston's illness and an imminent l\Icxican invasion; including the appended letter. D. S. of Stephen II. Everitt. 2. p. ..Printed In Garrison, (}. P., Diplom.attc Correspondence Of the Rcpubltc of Texaa, 1, 259.

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