The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

570 due --Not opening the Land-Office --::\laking a tom to the Ea t, · a stump speech in 't. Angu tinc--'l'oo µ-reat a purtiality to In- dian . These & .\limy Other thing of which l do 'QOt Wish to peak at this time hns produced a wonderful change in the mind of the people with regard to Uncle am. It is rumoured here- that Ilou ton pnrpo es rcsigning--und you a a matter of course to fill the vacancy. A change most de,·outly to be wi hed for--nnd to it the Ea tern pcop]c Would Cr· Amen. "Lamar, you arc a brother Ga and much talented & experienced 'than iiyself--IIence I do not con ider my elf competent to give adYice-but a what I ay i from the be t o~ motive ,-1 hope you will take it in good part. Dont be ab ent from Texa ·at pre ·c[nt]- \Vatch closely the intcre t of the people at largc-Dont be led into, or duped by any of those large JJI011opolies,-or peculators-There every attention & re pect to the irember of Congrc --for the elec- tion of another Pre ident is elo eat hand; & you have it in your power to be what you please. Corn Crops are fine heL·e---the influx of population con iderable. The time for bonnty lands to wit: from the 1 t of Octr next- hould be extended to the 1 t of March next, by all _means. I should have written to you.eadier but I knew You would linger round & ·about a pot endeared to ~·ou by o many plea iug as ocia- tions, as that of Old Ga a long as wa ,con i tent with your duty. \\Trite to me on the reception of thi , & be a ured of my warmc t wi hes for your wellfare & happines .

E. W. Cullen-

[Addre ed]

Genl. r. B. Lamar City of Hou ton 'Texas--

• 'o. 5!>4 1837 Sept. 15, ~- HOLLEY' TO ~l. B. LA. I.AR

Cincinnati. 0. Sept. 15th 1 i


11'. I have for ome ,time, been r ·olv<'d to become an inhabitnntof Texas, and have began to make ·ome preparation.,;, but eannot. ·ct specify the time. Dr Alxr Jone of ~cw Orlean. ha done metho honor to give me the cnclo. ed letter•z of introduction to your. elflmt as I cunnot come on immediately, I take the libl'rty of sending t by ~Tr .John l{nj~·, who expects to leave this city for Texas in the 011rse of a few hour:. .And I hope you will c n. ider it 11. sufficient a ology or excuse for introducin,:? the hearer to your attention, who i. ,.o d<-'- term.ined to become an inhabitant of your Republic. Ile is n r,;pcctn- hlc, hi~h-minded, hone. t good man. .:\ud I think you will bcplea. c<l "No. 687.

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