The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



r o. 590 1837 Sept. 7, KERLIN COOK AND WILLIAM IIUGHE , I CON, [GEOR,GIA] TO l\I[IR BEAU] B[UO .AP.ARTE] LAl\L\.R, COL mus, GEORGIA Requesting him to give notice at the Land Office that Thomas Wood has not the proper power to act in the matter of locating certain land claims. L. S. 1 p. No. 591 1837 Sept. 10, i'II[IRABEAU] B[UO AP.ARTE] L.Al\IAR, COLUl\'.[- BUS, [GEORGIA] TO REUBE1I BROWN, [COLUMBUS, GEORGIA] Explaining away a reputed conversation charging Brown with being a gambler. A. Df. S. 2 p. -No. 592 1837 Sept. 13, P. H. Sl\lEAD, AUGUS'fA, GEORGIA, TO [l\IIRA- BEAU BUO APARJE] LAifAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS RE'l']Uesting information about Texas. A. L. S. 1 p.

No. 593

1837 Sept 1!i, E. W. CULLEr TO 11. B. LAMAR . San-Augustine 15th Septr ''37

l\fy Dear Sir,

It was with heartfelt atisfaction that I received Your 1\ ote of Jnly last and the enclosed preceedings of a dinner given to you at Colnrubns, Ga.-- A friend, to the rights of Man, and an advocate to the Cause of human liberty, does not only merit the e~teem but the admiration of his fellow-man in every Clime & Country. And how much more \satisfaction and secret pride must a man feel, who not only contributes hi talents, but perils his life, for the advancement of correct prin- iples; and to know, at the same time, that, it is not only the Coun- y of bis adoption who feel grateful for 'his services, but the friends childhood, and of human liberty throughout the w'orld admire the , endour of hi atchievements-- ont think I have sit down to flatter or congratulate you alone, u n your kind reception among the Alamo-hearted S A I shall eneavour simply to let You know the times in the East.--- 1r election for Con°ress are over & o far as I have been enabled to certain the Opinions of Candidates, (saccessful ones I mean) and wre especi(llly the feelings of fhe people, they are entirely op- pose to the psitedo p6tri[otl Sam. Hou ton. T President & his 12 Apostles are not popular in the East-- The I ation of the Seat of Government-The high impo.t & ton- nage ties-Refusing Govt. }>aper, or draf~s, in payment for Govt

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