The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


T&'<..\S STATE Lrrm.\RY

in 'feachiug, and from his extensive learning and experience in that most difficult and little understood profe ion, I know of no man, better qualifi<,d, to form a general plan of education for your Republic, than _fr, Holl)·. )fany of hi Yiews are both original and valuable, thi you will di cover by conYersatiou with him. Education, must forever form a subject of the deepe t and most paramount intere t in all Republics. It is the main foundation of their exi tence. ln laying a foundation for general education in ·rexa , it is of great importance to· begin in the right way, & adopt the best possible method, this can be more easily done in the early dawn of your rising state. than it can be done, in a country of old & establi hed insti- tutions. It is much easier to prevent error, than to remove it, when once cstab!i bed by habit. lifr. Holly is well calculated, to aid you in adopting a ystem, best adapted to promote the durability of your Republic, & to ecure the happiness of its :futul'e native population, & 1·isi11g generation. I feel that I am favouring the cause of education, & of the Republic !Jy bringing :;,\fr !Tolly to yonr notice. Any attention you may how him, will be most gratefully acknowledged by

Yours \,ith Great Esteem & Respect Alex. Jones [rubric)

Hon 1\1. B. Lamar Texas

P. S. Mr Holly, by conve1 ing with yiou, will more fully explain his views to you 011 the subject of education than can be embraced in a letter. A. J. [Addressed] Ilis Excellency :u. B. Lamar Vice President of The Republic of 'Texas City of Houston-

Favoured by Mr Holly

No. 5 8

1837, ept. 1, TIIE El'EXIXG 'I'.AH, [. 'RW YORK, 1 EW YORK]

"Texas"; an editorial upon Cham1ing's letter 1o Clay against ad- mitting Texa into the Union. lipping. No. 58!.l 1837 Sept. 6, S. F. CA:\IDE~, [ BORGIA t] TO ::IIrIRABEAU] B[ ONAPARTB] LA)lAR, ITO T0.1, TE~'AS Requc ting information regarding the po· ibility of ohtaiuing land in Texn . A. L. S. 3 p.

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