The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



~o. 583 1837 Aug. 22, H.P. HUMPHREY, )lILLEDGE ILLE, [GEORGIA] TO l\llIRABE ] B [U01 .A.PARTE] LAl\IAR, [CHERAW 1 SO TH CAROLINA Y] Introducing his son-in-law, Dr. B. H. Winding, and a king for in- formation regarding Texas; regret at mi sing Lamat 's vi it to :\Iil- ledgeville. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 584 1837 Aug. 24, GE0 [RGE] P. KERN, PHILADELPHI ., [PEi'\~ - SYLVANIA] TO l\I[IR"XBEAU] B[ 0. APARTE] LA~IAR, [CHERAW? SO 'fH CAROLlNAY] Personal news; rapid gains of the Texas cause· promised openin of the-Land Office; a request for Lamar to attend to hi headright claim; personal news and me ages. A. L. S. 3 p.

.l. TO. 585

1, 37 Aug. 25, JADEZ CURRY, PERRY COU~-TY, ALAB ~IA, 'fO 1'[[IRABEA ] B[U01 PARTE] LAMAR, COL l\IBUS, GEORGIA The death of Primus; the election of ::Bagby as governor a proof of the Van Burenism of Alabama; an invitation for Lamar's daughter; family news. . L. S. 1 p. I O. 586 1837 Aug. 25, GEO[RGE] STOVALL, TALBOTTON, [GEORGIA] TO I[IR.A,BiEA ] B[ ONAPA'RTE] L l\IAR, hl Oi: , GEORGI Asking Lamar's attention to the ecuring of land.due thee tates of Joseph A. Stov.all and Francis A. ,'unt for ervices in the Texas army. . L. S. 1 p.

No. 587 1837 Aug., A. JO.. ES, TO l\I. B. L M:AR

Cincinnati Aug. 1837

Genl. Lamar

Dear Sir It affords me much pleasure to make you acquainted with N W. Holly of this city: a gentlemen of high standing and learn- ing. He visit your Republic with a view of settling himself and family permanently within its borclers. I know of few men, who can be a greater acquisition to Texas. He has been n_iany years engaged

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