The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




drawn from their ervice 2 of their bolde t if not best officers, and If we_can possibly rai e the mean to furnish supplies for the .Army & Navy :\Iatamoras may be in our posses ion in le, than 6 month I wrote you from ... Iarion Ala., you will probably call there on your return. De Fletcher & others may then [be] prepard to take some scrip, if so, plea e ccure all the sales you can and bring the money & I will have the scrip ready, and If in your travels you should meet with any one who wishes to purchase, please write me & If it i neces- sary I will call on them, In hopes to meet you here in about a week from this I am Your Friend & Humb. ervt E Hall

[Addressed] Hon


Letter of E Hall

I\!. B. Lamar

l\Iobile July 15, 1837.

Vice. Prest Republic of Texas Care of Editor of Enquirer l\Iacon Georgia

TO. 578

1837 J1tly 17, NEWS CARRIER, EDITOR, UACON, [GEORGIA] TO ~I[IRABEAU) B[UOXAPARTE] LAl\!AR, (:;\IACOX, GEORGIAJ Requesting contributions to the projected Southern Literary As- sistant. 2 p. No. 579 1837 A.11g. I 17], SUSAX CAROLI.r E BEALL A.l~D GREE.'E AND 1\1!0 R~I rG ELIZ BETH HILL V. J~IES E. D • 'C .r, HOUS'rO~ com 'TY, GEO~-GIA, s PERIOR COURT Interrogatories for Mirabeau B. Lamar and Benjamin Franklin in regard to the reputed death of Austin Perkin at Goliad. Copy. 2 p. Appended examiner's commission, 1 p. 1 ·o. 5 0 1837 Aug. 17, SU A,r C.\ROT,:Vm BB.ALT, A1 'D GREB ... 'B A1 'D )IO R. ·r~o •,T,TZABETil HILT1 V. RICITAHD :\[I'rl-I, HOU TO~ COUNTY, GE RGI.A, S PE~IOR O RT Interrogatories for ~rirabcau B. Lamar and Benjamt Franklin in rerrarcl to the reputed death of Austin Perkin nt Goliad. Copy [ f] 2 p. Appended examiner 's commi.. ion, 1 p.

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