The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPELiS oF IrnABEAU BuoNAPAR.TE LAMAR 563 part of the men-H.earing that Seguin wa about to be removed they had sent in a petition in his favour. The minds of the men were in such a ferment that it became necessary for Col. Karnes on his re- turn to read them the articles of war on mutiny-He was at last obliged to s~nd to the main army about one third of the regiment to be transfer 'd to the infantry- The colonel himself has felt much dis- satisfied as relates to his o_wn command; he has two liet1tenant colonels under him & there s not enough men to form two companies! We have no apprehen ion of being attacked by the 1\Iexicans-Our alarums are solely caused by a few cattering lndian incursions--0ur horses are br,oken down & we can not come up with them. This is a remarkably healthy climate- there is much more rain than I had reason to believe from accounts-Corn grows ten feet high. I have no doubt that wheat would succeed well in this lime stone country. I am uncertain whether this letter will reach you in Texas or the States. I therefore leave a blank on the superscription to be filled up by my friend col. ·wells, who ett off for Huston in a couplo of (lays.

I remain very Respectfy Dear Sir

your obt Sevt. . Alexr Le Ray De Chaumont. [rubric l

To Genl. Mir. B. Lamar.

[Addressed] To

Genl Miru B Lamar

No. 577

1837 J1ily 15, E. HALL TO 1\1. B. LAMAR

Mobile July 15, 1837

Dear Sir The last news from Texas is that Genl Houston wa expected at acogdoches about the 30 June to have a talk with the Friendly In- dian . and that your return is lookd_for, the 1Iews from Iatamoras are that an Army of about 2000 i\Iexicans are there determined not to march to Texa untill they are paid & furnishd with all necessary sup- plies for a ca.inpaign."which the i\Iexn Government are not able to do., tis also said tlltt Capt Wheelwright of the Scho[oner] Independence & his surgeon have made their escape from prison & took an open boat for Texas and that the celebrated Thompson & his 1st Lt. of the Bravo have deserted the l\Iexican service and al o taken an open boat for Texas to offer his services (again t Iexico) to the Texians. The lustre of the One Star seems to have outshone the i\Iexicau Gold &

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