The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




1837 July 4, JlIRABEA B ONAPAR.TE L JI.AR, COL l\IBU , G.0ORGIA "Tcxa and liberty"; an addre. at a public dinner given in his honor. .A. Df. 19 p. No. 567 • 1837 July 4, 'l'HO:.\IA WILSO r, C HAWB , f.ALAB.A:\IA] ' TO )fIR,ABEA B O. 1 AP RTE LA~L\R, f COLIDIB , GEORGIA] Personal movements; an independence day barbecue on the other side of the Cahawba River· a req1;1est for notification of arrangemeuts £or his proposed pres. in Texas. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 568 1837 July 6, COLU.i\IBU E~QUIRER, COLU::\IBUS, GEORGIA "Fourth of July at Colmnbu.," including a de cription of the public dinner at the O~lethorpe Ilou. e and an ab. tract of Lamar's speech on "Texa. and liberty." Copy (extract). 4 p. No. 569 1837 July 7, JI. B. L i\I R TO S. HOUSTO T, [NACOGDOCIIE fJ

Columbu Geo 7th July 1837

Duplicate To His Excellency Sam. Hou. ton

Dear Sir-I recd a few days ngo your polite & friendly letter recallino- me to 'fexns, and in obedience to your wi. he, . hall hastei.i' my return with a. fotle delay a. po.. ible. As yet I have. ren bnt few of the members of my own family, and have not arranged my nn- settl d bu. inc:s, But yonr Excellency may be as. nrecl that there i. no E.acrifice either of feeling- or of intere. t which I am not willing to ltlake for the good of our common co[u)nt[r]y. In humble coopcrntion with the patriot. of the day, I feel it my duty to ren<lcl' all the servise to the public in my power, and shall be pleased at t]I(' snme time to promote Your Excellency's individual happines. Your fri<'ntl :Mirabeau B Lamar


Letter to Genl Houston ,July 7 1837

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