The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



£TO. 561 1837 June 29, STUART PERRY, TEW ORLE.A1"\fS, [LOUISIAXA] ·ro 1'I[IR. BEA 1 B[UON..1 PARTE] L..1 l\L\.R, COLUl\IBUS, GEORGIA Personal news and message . A. L. S. lp. No. 562 1837 July 1 IS CG. SEYl\IOUR, AND OTHERS, MACON, fGEORGIA] TO l\I[IR.ABEAU] B[UOi APARTE] LAl\IAR, COLUl\IBUS, GEORGIA . ' Asking information regarding the time of his expected arrival in Macon; plan for a public reception in Iacon. L. . lp. TO. 563 1837 Jilly 3, L. DE ZAVALA TO l\I. B. LAl\fAR Gen. lL B. Lamar I duly received your e teemed favor of 15 ulto. and de- livered to radam Zavala the one you directed to her forwith- You will ere this. have received my letter of 22nd. ulto by-Express m.ail addressed to you at Columbns-advisin"' you of having that day enclosed your note to Ir. A. B. Davis Cashier at Columbus-request- ing him to present the same for payment and hold the proceeds subject to my order - I now perceive that you have placed the amount - at Mr. Davi to meet said note. We hould - have been glad if the money could have been paid - in this city, but a!. that could not be done a,..."'feeable to the tenor of the obligation; we have now to consult the be t means for havin"' said money placed here for which I am ex- pecting )Ir. Davi ' reply on the subject - In all probability we hall have to - suffer a severe los : sa.y perhaps from 10 to 15p%-a- thing which we were not aware of when your - note was given - In this circumstance. I have - to request you to inform me whether you could - not -contrive it o with Ir Davis as to place the money here · ";t110ut )f rs. Zavala suffering such - a loss - As regard the $1000 one thou ancl ollars - you a k a a loan payable on your return to - Texa I am authorized by frs. Zavala to say - that yon can have them and I hand you annexed - my Dft - on ~Ir. Davi for that nmonnt and - which I pre ume he will honor and ·pay out of the funds left with him fo pay yonr note - -You can· end your note at four or six m 11ths date for the $1000 payable to )fr Zavala - Iloping to henr soon from you - I remain your most - obt - servant - r Addrer•.,ed] Single lfrpre.,s Mail. Mirnhcan n. Lamar Esqr. Columhus Georgia. - Lorenzo de Zavala - [Endor. ed] Letter of Lorenzo De Zavala New York July 3rd. 1837 lily dear Sir- Tew ~ork July 3rd. 1837-

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