The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF :MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR 557 may have the good fortune to possess, the great necessity there seems to me for your return to thi County at as early a day a it i pos ible · for you to do so-I a sure you we tand greatly in need of your in-• fluence & assi tance, to stem the torrent of abuses Confusions and ir- regularities, with which we are Con tantly beset-In Confidence I would say to you that I believe it is the wish 0£ Genl. Houston to ob- tain ome respite from the Government position he hold in the Gov- ernment, for which purpose your pre ence here, to a. ume his place, will consequently be indispensable- ! can not give yoi.1 an adequate idea of the troubles in which we are involved as well by our own inevitable necessities as by the machina- tion of some unquiet spirits [which] seem disposed to ri k even the afety of the Country for the gratification of their private passions- A great part of the army ha been-furloughed-from actual nece - sity-Congress ha been in session ince the 1st of last month and have done little or nothing of importance.-1\Iany things they have done, they have leanied of & in the moi;t bung-lino- manner. · I know it may be very inconvenient £or you to return as speedily as I think the interest of the Country requires, nor can I do more than express to you the great solicitude I feel on the subject, leaving it to be di po ed of by your elf, in that way which may mo t Consist with your own Convenience & feelings.-

I am very re pectfully

Yr friend & Obt Servt P. W. Grayson


1\1 B Lamar Macon Ga

[Addre ed] The Honble


Letter of P. "\ Grayson Houston June 5th 1837

Mirabeau B. Lamar Vice President of 1.'exas 1\Iacon Georgia

1837 Jwne 9, GEO[RGE] l\IARTI




Six notes to T11oma Cayce. D. S. 4p. With no. 637.

No. 560

1837 June 20, JOUN B. B SSEY, IRWINTON, ALABAMA, TO l\I[IRABEAUl BfUONAPARTE] LAMAR, IRWINTO r, ALABA fA Requesting an interview regarding Texa . A. . S. lp.

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