The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


T&-:As STATE Lrnn.,RY

No. 556 1837 June 2, J. F. PERRY TO :.\f. B. LAiHAR

New Orleans June 2nd 183T

J\ry dear General I addressed y011 a few days since stateing I h8d left the Box of pa- pers in the carre of l\fessrs. James R,eed & Co of this place subject to your order bnt for fear that letter• 0 may miss carry-I-again write you. I enquired of John .X l\Ierle & Co. but they said you had left no instructions with them respecting it, and as l\Ir. Reed is an old ac- quaintance and-will put himself to some trouble to forward it for me I have left it with him if you wish it forwarded write to l1im in the subject J am sorry I did not arrive in time to meet yotl here, my Famaly has gone to Key & I expect to leve in a few days for Texas. there is nothing new here from Texas. the crew of the Independence with :.\Ir Wharton are in l\Iatamorass report says the Texian army is much dissatisfied and objects to the land office being opened. Houston has i'lsued a proclamation to stop the opening of it for the present from what I can learn-Congress is not doing much and will soon adjourn

Your Friend

James F Perry [rubric}



for 10 Genl 1\firabau B. Lamar Irvinton Al )


Letter of Jas F. Perry New Orleans June 2nd 1837

No. 557

· 1837 Jime 3, JOHN 'T. LA:\IAR, :l\IACON, [GEORGIA} TO )lIRABBAU B[UONAPARTE] LA:\IAR, COLU:l\IBUS, GEORGIA A request for information regarding Lamar's itinerary; plans for a public reception upon his arrival in )!aeon. A. L. S. 2p.

No. 558 1837 June !J, P. W. GRAYSON TO 1\1. B. LA:\fAR

Houston June 5th 1837

1\[y Dr Sir, The most serious Considerations impel me to write to you for the purpose of impressing upon your mind, with all the little weight I ..A rough draft or this letter, dated l\lay 29, 1837, Is In the Austin Papers.

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