The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS oF l\IIRABEAU BuoNAPARTE LAMAR 555 You will say you can Render-no ser,1ce to us if You were hen:- but ' you must allow Irie to say you can do much good ! Your advice and opinions are Invaluable; Your language has been the language of Prophecy. and Your friends would take Your opinions. Your views and y,our acts as a standard to govern Their own proceedings and views by!' You have promised to Stand by the Country in the hour of her need; You [are] now needed if You ever was! You have said if your services could aid us that we should have them. there 'is n.o man now liveing who by his Council can aid Texas more than you can at this moment. You have said that if we were likely to .be invaded by the Mexicans you would fly to our Ranks. we have Every reason to believe that we will soon be invaded with a more dangerous force than Santa na Brought against us. But Sir! higher duties in all probability will requfre Your presence E 're you can Reach our shore Ere this Scrawl can Reach You. Houston worn-down by one continued course of Debauchery, is fast sinking under its Effects and is at time [s] Entirely unfit for busi- ness of Every Kind. he has written to you a letter to Request Your Presence. I have seen it. and peradventure It may be intended to Grace a history of his brilliant Career through life, and of his ma~- nanimous and liberal feelings towards You. he does but little that is not intended for Effect. and this is one of his stratagems in Policy- You know his cold calculating policy however. He wants to tal{e the col'.l_lmand of the army and do some act that will Entitle him to Praise. that will feed his appetite for Glory. he is getting Tired of The Executive Station, he has much trouble, little praise. & is often blamed for his conduct and that is the only pay he Receives. that I know of for the Performance of the Executive duties. Then I hope You will Come to us for You are wanted. You owe it to Your country. Y 011 owe it to Your friends. You owe it to Yourself to come to u~ speedily may God bless and sustain You is the Sincere prayer of Your Devoted friend S. H. Everitt [rubric] [Addressed] Genr M. B. Lamar · Columbus Georgia [Endorsed] Letter of S. A. Everett Senate Hall May 30th 1837.

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1837 May, GEORGE B. McKINSTRY, A ID ELIZABETH PARROTT, BRAZORIA OOUNTY, [TEXAS] Deed to Barnard E. Bee for land on Caney Creek, :first granted to Amos Raules and sold by him to l\foKinst.ry and John Austin, deceased. Dr. 2p.

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