The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



were given freely With no intention of.ever making a chl\rge to the Government. These are facts-- . [Addressed] [Endorsed] General 1\1. B. Lamar Columbus ' G~orgia No. 552 Letter of W. C. New·Ot'leans 1\Iay 9 1837 1837 May 14, R. R. ROYALL TO 1\L B. LAl\IAR

Houston 14th May 1837--

Dear Genl

I must again trouble you with the negotiation of an Import- ant matter for m~I send enclosed a Letter to Mrs. Fanin which I leave to you to present or not exercising your discretion as to It; propriety which a Previous Interview will Readily determine. A few days since I "Tote. yon a letter~ 9 on this subject which I sup- .pose you may have Received. If your discretion dictate such a course you will ascertain my probable suc-cess in accomplishing my wishes and write me. If Favourable I shall be much gratified If not new objects may present themselves and new associations cultivated-- I should be much Pleased to hear that Mrs Fanin would Return with Genl Lamar and Lady and that I need not Despair as, I am assured as you as your Influence·can effect I may expect the most favourable. Result-- The Land subject is now before the Committee of the Senate and the Report will be favourable to suspension of operations till the Land Papers be collected and arranged and that the vacant country be Townshipcd previous to Locations. 'l'he Lower House is By a large majority in favour of Opening the office on 1st June wit.bout even having possession of the Land Papers which are yet with the Empresarios. I am of opinion that a compromise will Result in Getting_the Papers together arrangeing them ordering the Country surveyed in Town- ships and admitting Entries, about Septemr next-- 1\luch is said about the dissatisfaction in the Army in the Event of opening the Land office I think there is probably no cause to fear the Army as I am told they are satisfied to Let the old letters have preference in Entry-- I have been some time (today) looking among the files of the Ay- untamiento of Austin.for A Letter from Gen! Coss to Austin about the last of Septemr 1835 on his Return from Mexico and Austins, Reply. Intending to send you copies which would be of some In- terest to you in the Work you propose--, I Recollect the Purport was after many Flattering & Complimentary Remarks to Austin he Ingeniously supposes that since Austin's Re- turn Peace would [be] Restored and the Colonists would Return to "No. 550.

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