The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



istrate a.t our next Election as it will be some time Before the Elec- tion; It would be well not to be announced before the Public for some time yet. But those things Require some Watching over the Public will and an Occasional suggestion from Friends,-- Though I feel much solicitude on this subject my present Object is to solicit your Friendly lntircession in a matter of more Immediate con-cn1 to my Uapiness. About 2 months since I Visited Quintana with an Intention of Ad- dressing :Mrs Fah[n]in But learning that her mind was not in a state to admit of a Conversation on the Intended subject I withdrew without an Interview my Buisiness however was made known to her by some Impropriety of a friend--! now learn to niy Regret that .she has left several weeks since for Geo. my acquaintance is very slight But the Impression;. 1rill you be Good Enough to ascer- tain her state of Feelings in Relation to the subject in which you will take your time and Exercise your discretion in the maner ob- tained. . Could l\Irs F be satisfied with my PeJ·son I am confident I can make lier Happy and her children under any circumstances should be made equal in advantages to mine--At present I am much engaged in the Business of my Land Agency in which I have Recd. Great Encouragement fully equal to my expectations. The land subject will be taken up by Congress in a few days and I am of opinion the office will be opened in 3 to 5 months say as soon as they can arrange the surveys--rshall be however in Readiness to Repair to Georgia upon an intimation from you or will Mrs F Return to Texas and when nothing could Give me more happiness than a favourable Reply But If otherwise I must conform as a matter of necessity-- I have made the Enquiries you requested Relative to some ancient "Settlements to the West and am confirmed in the opinion that ancient Remains of a settlement are to be found \Vest of Sim's Landing on the West side of La Vaca Bay such as appearances of cultivated gar- dens. Grape Vines unknown in the country &c the Point is a high Prarie Bluff and has a commanding view- of-the Bay. Also a short distance \Vest of the mouth of San Antonio & Guadaloupe Rivers there is an Old Spanish Landing at which there was Bu[i]ld- ings I cannot learn of any Place Called La Bahia Except the one ,commonly known and a new settlement the mexicans made during our Possession of that place which was near the mouth of San An- tone River and calld New La. Bahia which I am told amounted to a number of Houses and a Better situation than the Old Place-- since I saw you my neighbour Jameson Related to me a story Illus- trative of the Good Faith of the southern Comanches, he says about the year 1823 on his ·way (In company with some friends) return- ing from a trading Excursion to Rio Grande, their horses were stolen in the night time near the River Nueces in the morning the Party- (considering themselves, Ruined if they did not Recover their prop- erty) mounted their few saddle horses which they had as usual kept tied near to the camp and pressed on the trail Entertaining a hope of Recovering their drove by the address of Jameson who had been an OI<l Comanchee trader; after some time in Persuit they came In ~ight. The drove was Halted and in an Instant the small Party (3

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