The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



health a tou~h easy moving horse well eqnipt to look lands the whole year have allready obtained ten claims U1e final cost will not exceed 12½ cents per acree on most of the Land soldiers claims cost higher I hope my agents haYe done something I have appointed two more- bothe in the red lands States attorney Scurry San Augustine Harris :l\Iilam <:>all on them if you come I have disposed of my little family ten miles west of Gains ferry verry much,to my satisfaction my child had caught a cold, I hope to get a Letter from you. on reaching wash- ington ,\Ty child is at mr Clarks Laura with her two hired to a l\[r " 1 alker Texas never looked so beautiful as it does now peace & pros- perety tranquility & quiet prevails [in) eYery section the emigration is an immcnce overwhelming flood the haughty Texian lifts his head above the man of U. S. & no longer thinks it advisable to desire to be admited into your factious aggressive union you feared chaos here you would find the entire reverse I do not attempt to buy land my funds would be exhausted by the first purchase the Genl. L. says the poorest leauge in Texas is worth more than a thousand dollars of his money but I will pay all I haYe & work for more Texas land I now feel that I shall move entire this fall D S Richardson Monroe Edwards now at Natchetoches resident on Brazos considers himself bound to let me have a leage choice but one of eleven mouth Sanatione for 1.00 per acre I think we had better do it but I am to see, I conclude it unnecessary to buy lands in Louisana DSR much cantion is to be used in [the] title of the above trade , [Addressed] Eli H Baxter Esquire Sparta Georgia Gen Lamar No. 549 18.~7 illay 2, JOHN GORDO~, PLEASANT E:XCIIA~GE, TIEN- DERSON COU:;\'TY, TE1'NESSEE, TO )lflRABEAU) B[UO~APARTE) LAMAR, COLUMBIA [FOR- WARDED TO] HOUSTON, ~rBXAS Asking for information upon the prospects of obtaining employment in Texas. A. L. S. l p. No. 550 1837 May 7, [R. R. ROY AU,] TO fi\f. B. LAMAR, counrnus, GEORGIA, INCO~IPLETR)

Ilouston 7th l\Iay 1837-

Dear Genl.

Through the friendly direction of Col Red, I address you at Co- lnmh11s--I think ro11 nn~ht to Return to Texas as, f:Oon ns yonr Bnisincss will conveniently nclmit, yon are Frequently spokrn of 1cith much ptef c1·c11cc as a probahle Can<lidate for the office of Chief :\fag-

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