The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



.Accept, Dear Sir, the assurance of the high e-steem with which I am very respectfly.

your obt. Servt

J. Hamilton

The Hon:

Mirabeau B. Lamar

Vice Prest. of Texas

P.S. . l\fay I commend again to your kindness and friendship my friend Bee. His bravery, kindness of heart & many fine qualities added to the interesting family he leaves at home induce me with my long re- gard for him to feel the deepest interest in his fortunes. I was recently in Macon where I had the pleasure to make the ac- quaintance of many of your friends & connections from whom I re- ceived the kindest & most acceptable attentions. [Addressed] [Endorsed] -::\liraheau. B. Lamar Esq. J Hamilton -Texas.- Lam el' Frdd. by Urch 29/5/--

B. E. Bee -Esqr.-

No. 545


Anahuac fight

Aft<>r the treaty entered into between Bradburn & the Texans, that the prisoners should be cxcl1anged, the Texans retired to Turtle Bayou. Xext day in the afternoon, hearing that Bradburn had not released our men agreeable to promise some 25 or 30 men returned to the town, when on their arriYal they saw Bradburn with his soldiers moving from the fort. The Fort was at the lower encl of town; his object was to go to the upper end, with a view of getting possession of his amuni- tion clothing & other stores left there, at a place he had previously occupied. 1'he 'l'exans, when they made the treaty had posscssi011 of all these but knew it not; and it was this advantage o,·er Bradlmm "·hich made him treat at all. Xow that the place was evacuat<.'d by the Texans & he in reach of his amunition &c again, he violated said 'l'reaty; and was now on the move to take pos.•ession of these stores, when the above 25 or 30 men arrived. Uc fired his cannon on tlwm and forced them to retreat. 'rhev returned to their rnnin force on the 'l'urtle Bayou & there the Rcsolutionsn were entered into- 1n the mean time Bradburn had sent to Pedraz [Piedras] for rein- forcement who was then a~tually on his way with his g11rrison to Brad- bur[n's] assistenee, hut when within 25 miles of Liberty, he heard of the forces on Turtle Bayou & becoming alarmed he halted nnd sent a mes.<;enger thither with friendly proposals-in a <lay or two after three "No. 114.

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