The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Among t the pri oners of War that fell into your power at San Jacinto, there are, the Lieut. Colonel Juan Brin°a 'l Captain l\Iateo Peraza, and aptain Isidro Campos. For the e thr<!e Individuals, I take the liberty of imploring the Grace of their Liberty, on the absolute and unconditional promi e, of thei1· ·wore) of Honour, never again to re ume Arms a 0 ain t Texa ; and I unite my own _also, upon the ~amc respon ibility, that they never more will do so.- In recommending this subject to yo1w e pecial con ideration, I re- peat, that these Officers are, truly, my political enemies; but, I cease now to think upon this, viewing these Individuals only as unfortunate l\Ien, whom a duty, which they considered sacred, led to Texa , to make War upon you, or, it may perhaps be better said, the adherence they had to their Chief, who loo them thither for the promotion of his own views. A private and particular conne tion unites me with the Gentlemen, a also with General Co , for whom al o I beseech you to interpose your powerful influence, relying in the hope, that whatever may be the i ue of my present application, you will not fail to pardon thi inti usion upon your public and customary avocations; and in any manner that I may be able now, -or at any future period of my life, to render you a service, I be 0 yon to command me to the utmost.-

I remain Dear Sir,

Your most Faithful and {)bedt. Servant,

Jose Antonio :Mexia [n1bric]

[Endorsed] Velasco Mar 17 1837 Fd. by Yr. obdt. ert.


To Hi Excellency Hon. Mirabeau B. Lamar

Vice President of the Republic of Texa.

D. Brentblack T Toby & Brother.

Ko. 538

[18371] Ma,·. 8, [ATJBERTl ID. EY JOHNSTO ·. GALVESTON, fTE~• AS] TO l\lfIR BEAU] BfUONAPARTEl LAl\IAR, VELASCO OR BRAZORIA, [TEXAS] Inelosing a reply of Dr. Jones to a letter deli\'ered hy John ton. A. L. S. lp. r o. 539 1837 Mai·. 11, SA. TT.A ANr .A: E. "TR.A T OF REPORT AD- DRE ED TO TIIE 'MINI 1'ER OF WAR AND llfARI1 E 30

--. larch 11th 1837

June 1st. I cmharkcd on bonrcl the lnvincibfo ---- '"Thie report le published In run In Caro. R. t.,Verdodcra Idea ae la Primera Campana de Teja1 1 78 et aeq. chooner, for

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