The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



U S to establi h a branch here & upply the G.ovt. with Money for stock on such terms as might be agreed upon ( which would take time) could be carried into effect As nothing can now be done in this way until Congress meets, should any proposition come from the Bank of the U S, based upon the five million Bond act, I am decidedly of opinion that the per- manent interests of the Country would be promoted by giving the Bank of the U S the privilege of establishing a branch in Texas & making its paper the .only foreign Bank paper receivable in payments to Govt. on Condition that the Bank sha11 tend to Govt on the Bond not less than two millions Do11s.- Because I do not believe either of the Chartered Banks can be put in operation during the war or if attempted can effect much until the Govt. is able to pay its Creditors for until then there will not be money enough in circulation to sustain banking operations, which requrreprompt payments and a brisk cir- culation Feby 1837 [Endorsed] Copy of a fiscal letter to Genl. Houston Feby 1837 · r o. 536 1837 JI«,-. 6, C. C. TATEM, IOBILE, [ALABA IA] TO MIRA- BE U [BUO APARTE] LAMAR, COLUMBIA, TEX S 1\ kino-his aid in securing the land due the estate of her husband, .l\f. B. Tatem, a Goliad victim, and of her brother, ;rrenry Ha tie, and her brother-in-law, Joseph Tatem. A. L. S. 2p.

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183~ Mm·. 8, J. A. ~IEXI TO. LB. LAMAR, [BRAZORIA]

. The Honourable 1\Ir. :Mirabeau Lamar.

New Orleans, :March 8th. 1837.

Deai· Sir:

How deficient so ever may be my own i::entiments in rightly appreciating your noble character, and the generous and dignified . gentilities of your heart, yet even this imperfect knowledge I have of you1· goodn~ss, stimulates .me to occupy your attention, in the con- ferring of a Grace.- obliging me in which, you will merit my eternal gratitude, and enhance that profotmd admiration which I have of your liberality and benevolence. ' I presume you are well nnd duly apprised of the misfortunr that have at1ended, and .till unhappily attend , both myself and family during more than two years, in consequence· of the unjnst and most perfidious conduct of Genl. Santa nna. fy political opinions, you are aware are ·not in unison with his,-neither do they corre pond with the avowed sentiments of those Gentlemen ·for whom I now. solicit your philanthropic protection. To avoid however unneces- arily occupying your val iable Time, I will .at once state my wishes.-

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