The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



0. 532 1837 .fan. 31, J. A. URQUART AND C. A. REDD, [GEORGIA] TO :M:. B. L.Al\fAR, [BRAZORIA] Columbus Jany 31st. 1837, This will be .handed you by Col. Wm. Redd who 11as been re-- cently appointed an agent on the part of a company, united for the· purpo e of purchasing lands in Texas. . . The undersigned are well aware of the great advantages that might· arise :from the pnreha c of-well selected lands in that country and ff consistent with your views earnestly desire your participation in what- ever advantages they themselves might derive from such investments. The under igned are unacquaintecG\'ith the regulations of your Gov: ernment relating to the purchase of lands in Texas by those who are not citizens of the Country, and hope that they have not adopted a plan contrary to the spirit of your laws on that subject. For particulars in the plan referred to, we beg leave to refer you to instructions furnished our agent who will also impart ro you :fnJly whatever other views the company may entertain and are not con- tained therein. Your views on the subject with any advice that might aid us in the adoption of a course by which we might avoid future difficulty will be thankfully acknowlledged by Sir Your friends & Obt. Servts.

Jno A. Urquhart )

) Comittee

Chas. A. Redd )

Mirabea B. Lamar Vice President of Texas. [Addre sed] }Iirabeau B. Damar • Vice President of Texas

[Endorsed] .

Letter from Chas. A Redd Co- lumbus Geo- Jany. 31-1837

[Addre cd] Mirab-eau B. Lamar Vice President


Letter from Chas. A Redd Co- lumbus Geo-

Pr. Col Redd . (

of Texas


Jany. 31-1837

No. 533 1837 Feb. 14, P[E1'ER] W. GRAYSOrT, COLUi\IBIA, [TEXAS] TO l\f[IR.ABEAU] B[UO~APARTEJ LA IAR, [BRAZORIA, TEXAS)2 8 Account of Austin's imprisonment in Mexico, especially Grayson and Jack's efforts to ecure·his release. A. L. S. llp. Endorsed by Lamar: "Peter L. Grayson's Visi to 1:exico to re- lease Austin.'' ..Printed In The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, · XIV, 155.

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