The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



undivided attention to the interest of Texas, with which I am o in- timately connected I have the honor to be Yrs &c J. 1. Wolfe. [Addressed] [Endorsed] Official ·(Expre s l\Iail) J. ~I. Wolf J. 1. Wolfe Genl Lamar 10 July 1838 Lettm· Brazoria Washingto Cty J(lll'I,. 10. 1832 The Hon. President of the Senate Care of T. Toby l of Texas & brother } City of Houston New Orleans J [Written on back) Genl. Lamar ' Thi, was opened by mi take Your friend 2nd Feby 1837 Sam Houston o. 528 1837 Jan.11, J. H. BELL TO [LB. LAMAR, COLUMBIA?]2 6 ~Ir~ J. H: Bell s Jan 11th 1837 Dear 1r You can £ind a correct and official account of the Cam- paighn of 1835 in the Telegraph- all accounts there given by Gen S. F Austin Gen Blll'liston & Col Johnston are correct as far as my memory serves me The •Grass Fight of the 26 of rrov- I beliv is missing- Thi took place abot one mile "\Vest of Bexar and was brought by Col James Bowie who commanded the Cavilary consi ting of about Si"'\:ty men who fought the ~nemy till the Infantry come up which wa 15 or 20 minnits I think there was 300 men on either side-. the Americans followed the ~fexicans untill they opend their big G-ums [from) the Fort on the river and then faced, to the 1•ight abot [and] hauled off- from the best information obtaned afterwards there wa 5 ~fexicans Kille<l and -fifteen wounded- there was but one American wounded- the Trophies of the Day amounted to $2600 in J\fules; horses, addes, &c which was sold the day following 27 of ;ov. Yours Respectfully lEndorsed) D. Gregg 'l'hc gra s fight "'Ct. no. 1634. *This ls called the Grass light, from the circumstance ot ou [r tak] Ing some 4f or 50 mules pac~ed with Grass-[Note in document].

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