The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

_P,\PERS OF i\lm.\BE,\U Buo AP.\RTE LAl!A&


communication petween it and the City of San Antonio, which, I under tood, ha declared it elf in favor of the Independence, and . with an intention to give you all the assi tance in my power, for your protection from the Royali t troop and the Savage Tribes who <1re devastating your vicinity. Bu.t I wa informed, on my way, that the King's forces were till holding thi fort which continued under the Royal authorities. This untoward information gave me the un- i1,:-tunate idea to take the place by force, which I did at the great tr.rrv: of the women. However, I have the sati faction to inform you tha~ no live were lost in that circumstance. I hope ti.:-t you and the citizens will be convinced that no cli§lorder will be countenanced by my troop durin.., my stay here,·whfoh shall not he over ten d:ws. I should wish to have an interview with you, to· confer on evera;_topics of intere t to our glorious cause. If it nits better your convenience to hold this interview at San Antonio rather than here, I shall with pleasure proceed thither, trusting fol' my personal security, to th..:- honor of an Independent 1\Iexican officer. I am -[1] Jame Long. No. 38 ·- [1821 c. Oct. iO], J. LOXG, rLA BAHIAl. DP.r,uARATIOi'J•~ L01 rG' DECLARATION Long's Declaration. Declal'ed his name to be James Long-both in Carolina, U. S., a phy ician by profe sion-belongs to no religious denomination- came to proclaim the Independence-had no commis ion to tllat effect-had an under tanding with two p.aniards of Florida-took the town of Labahia, because he did not believe .it was in favor or tbe Independence-afte1· the death of Cina, he agreed with Robin- on to settle in this Province-was elected general hy his men.-Al- though he had been told by the local authoritie that Independence had been sworn to, none of them eemed willing to enforce it. '\Vas aclvi ed by the anthoritie to write to the Governor that he had come a a friend, and in fact, he set at liberty the Commdg. officer whom he had taken prisouc-r.-The terms dictated by Col~nel Perez were too hard; although he had promised to give an an wer at 12 o'clock, he was prevented from doing o, by the commanding officer who opened the _fire against him. Tried to upply l1im elf with provi- sion in the ~quare, because he had observed that the citizen were removing their property. He started for La Bahia from a place called "Fort Casas" situated 2 leagues this side of Galve ton, in the territory of this Province-- ailed to a place called "El Sabino de la Costa "-told his followers that they were to proceed to La Bahia for the purpose of destroying it, if it had not declared itself in favor of the Independence, and then, to withdraw immediately.-pnrchased hi provisions at · rew ••English translation by Xavier de Bray; original in Bexar Archives.

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