The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 526


Introducing ~Ir. Jimmerson. A. L. S. lp.

No. 527

1837 Jan 10, J. ~J. WOLFE TO ?iI. B. LAMAR

To the Hon. Vice President of the Republic of -Texas & President of the Senate

\Vashington City Jany. 10 1837

Denr Sir Official I red a letter informing me that I was .nominated Secretary of legation of the Republic of Texas and that my nomination .was con- firmed. Tho. this information emenates from a friend referring to an au- thentic s0m'ce yet, I understood by another that some other was nominated if it should be so and find myself supplanted, I assure You and the Honorable Senate that my utmost e..xertions will still ,be used for my Cmmtry which for eighteen months has been my idol; I have made eve1·y sacrifice for it and am still rea-dy to defend the Constitution and la\vs reared up by an infant -people tho pregnant with the most gigantic principles of freedom l\Iy influence with friends and distant relations in Congress be assured has been used and never will I fail to offer up my prayers to the one who guides the destiny of Nations for the happiness and prosperity of our youthful Re- public Texas will no doubt be recognized, this Session unless some mnterial chanc:e takes place. I have taken the pains to convince my friends in Congress that Texas was entitled to recognition. The Same I have urged to the President all of wh.ich seems to have the desired effect. Your :Minister and myself have day and night been urging \he demands upon this Govemment and our dispatches sent to you nust confirm it I paid my expences here which during my stay will amount to at least five hundred dollars in all. Every thing very dear nt this place Yon will please lay this bcfo1·e the Senate and express to them the high Considerntion in which l hold them and assure them of my ·

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