The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



. . of Santa Anna's defeat they fled after doing all the injury possible, the conduct of these men gave ,a bad name to the place and was the cause pf many innocent men suffering. The mission of Refugio i situated on a small stream called the 1\fission River five miles from the Copano landing, 30 miles from Goliad - 120 miles from San Antonio de Bejar and 50 miles from Victoria, '!'his _place ,vas destroyed by the enemy, When the present war commenced its Inhabitants were in a very prosperous condition, but they were obliged to fly in various directions, many were mur- dered with Col. Fannin at Goliad. San Antonio de Bejar is situated -On a River of that name which has its source from 2 or 3 very large springs about four miles above the city, When the present war commenced it contained within its jurisdiction about 3000 inhabitant . it is distant from Gonzales 67 miles - from the Town of Rio Grande 200 miles· - from the old military Post of San Saba about 150 miles, this Post has been abandoned for some time, it was established for the protection of the rich silver & Gold mine[s] in the vicinity. There is no part of the continent where nature has lavished her gifts o profusely as upon the South West part of .Texas and par- ticularly the jurisdiction of San 4ntonio - the valley in which it is situa'ted contains abou [tJ a million of acres of the choi-cest land all of which can be irrigated at will The day will come when this place will be the Manchester of Texas, on account of the immense water power afforded by this River. About 70 miles south west of San Patricio is a salt lake, that would supply million[s] of inhabitants-with the best quality of salt, it is found in a cristalized cru t on the surface of the wiater similar to Ice, it has heretofore been monopolized by the Governmen[t] I am informed it is inexhaustible. · Your most oht & Hbl Srvt John M:-cnfollen [rubric] o. 524 1837 Jan. 1, JOH C. P. KE YlWRE, MOBILE, [ALABAMA] TO M[IRABEAU] B[UO IAPARTEJ LAMAR, COLUt\fBIA, TEXAS Inquirin(7 what step to take to secure his legal rights in view of his ix months' service a a member of Capt. Wadsworth's company of Georgia volunteer . A. L. S. lp.

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1837 Jan. 2, ,D. McDOUGALD, COLUMBUS, 1 [GEORGIA] TO l\f[IRA,BEAU] B[UO1 APARTE] LAMAR, COLUMBIA, TEXAS Introducing Samuel Luckey. A. L. S. lp.

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