The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



the mob became infuriated- Burnet, Grayson John Wharton & others attempted to explain the views of the Govt. and to allay the excite- ment; but it was all in vain. 'rhey were replied to by Henderson, who stated to the crowd that the Govt. should not carry out its views- that Santana should not leave--that he had the means to prevent it- that he spoke in the name of two hundred rifles then paraded before him- [Note in margin of document] [The) Vessel was the Invincible. No. 523 [18361] J. ~foMULLEN, [COLUl\lBIA ?] TO [l\1. B.] LAMAR, • f COLUi\lBIA] To General Lamar Vice President of the Republic of Texas.---- )fatarnoras is situated on the left bant: of the Rio Grande, 31 miles west by north of the mouth of that River, 40 miles west of the Brazos de Santiago which is the principle harbour of that place: Rhinosa is situated on the same bank of the .River, about 70 miles above Mat- amoros: 40 miles above Rhinosa is Camargo on the same bank, at the junction of the River St Johns with the ~io Grande about 60 or 70 miles further up the River is the Town of Laredo on the right bank. The 1'own of Rio Grande is situated on the left bank of the River about 40 or 50 miles above Laredo, through which passes the main road from San Antonio to l\lonclova and Saltillo. The coun- try bordering on the Rfo Grande from the mouth to its source is remarkably healthy and abounds in immense herds of stock of all kinds, a trifling expense would make the River navigable for Steam Boats as far as the 1'own of Rio Grande, where corn is considered dear at 2,3 cents per Bushel. San Patricio is sitnated on the right bank of the River Nueces, through which passes the main road from the Colonies to )Iatamoros, it is distant from l\IatamOl'OS about 200 miles - from the Bay or port of Corpus Christi 22 miles - from Copano 40 miles - from the mission of Refugio 35 miles - from Goliad 60 miles - from San Antonio de Bejar 95 miles in a North West direction - and from Camat·go 120 miles. At the commencement of om present strug- gle San Patricio contained about 500 Inhabitants, bnt in conse- qucnc f c j of its exposed situation fi)t was abrandoned] and has since been burned, a number of its Inhabitants were murdered with Col. Fannin 's division at Goliad, and some were murdered in their houses, others tied in different directions. ·There wa.s no Town in Texas that possessc[d) larger stocks of cattle, and no part of the· world is bette1· adapted £01· stock raising than that entire region of Country, on account of its fine Grazing lands ancl its exemption from the nnnoyancre] of flies of nil kinds. - When I left home last November to join the Convention at San Felipe, I had upwards of 1300 head of cattle, which I am informed ha,·e all been drove off by one or the other party - my Books were de- stroyed, private arms tnken and every thing I had wns plnmlercd and destroyed - There were some men in the pince clisnffecte<l to our cause but I nm happy to say their numbt'r was small, on hearing


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