The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



or .nothing wa said by either of us. I told him however, that all the argement which he bad u ed, he had frequently urged before, and that I had weiahed them, & had oiven my written opinion on his case,-and that I saw nothing a~ yet to revere that Judgement. If ho had anything new or further, however, to urge, I would li ten to him- He aid, he had nothing further to say- I soon took my final lea,•e of him- I never saw him after thi interview. As Austin and myself had passed through the yard to the fen e, Au tin asked me if I heard or understood what Santana said on our leaving the house- I ans,,·ered no- and asked him what it was- He said Santana remarked of myself-"there goes the shade of QQmez Fareis "1- From Columbia, Santana was taken up to Orizemba, (at the residence of Dr. Phelp )- whilst there, an attempt was made by him to poison the guard-wine had been prepared & sent him from N. 0. for that purpose--The plot was di covered; and Rusk ordered Santana to be placed in Irons in consequence. \\TJien Congress a emblcd, that body appoiilted a Committee to wait on the PresicJent and reque t him to resume the cu tody of the Pris- oner- The pre ident obeyed; and immediately dispatched an order for his irons to be removed- Santana remained at l◊'rizembo until the Houston came into office. Houston was so anxious to enter upon the duties of his office, that Burnet was forced by the threats of members of Congress that if he did not retire for the new pre ident he would. be pn heel out- The Constitutional priod for the instalation of the president had not ar- rived as yet by a month. Hou ton could not wait-Burnet was forced to retire. Au til1 advi ed him to, for the sake of peace; and in- sinuated that if he did not Congre s would in all probability, push him out- Thu was the first act of the government a palpable viola- tion of the Constitution- That little month Hou ton could not wait; nor could the huuo-ry expectants brook the delay, who were looking forwd. for presidential favors- l\Iirabeau B. Lamar [Endorsed) Scenes at Vela. co- antaua cf·c. Xo. 5~2 (1836,, :u. ll. JJ,\MAR, COl;U;1mL\.?] . .. rn;1rOR.,\NDU:\[ 0~ CABI:--:R'l' .ACTION REGARDING ANTA A, 1 ,. TA, ETC.

U emnra11dum.

When President Burnet convened the Cabinet at n smnll house n mile or. o, ab vc the .;\Ir. ½avnla's re. idence on the lluffalo Bayou, tlic

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