The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



sion to ?ifexico in 1833; the results; the Indian population of Texas, [1836.] A. Df. 2 p. Endorsed·: "?!Iiscellaneons Notes on the history of Austin and Texas.'' No. 519 · [c. 18361, B. T. ARCHER, VELASCO?]. MEMORANDUM FOR l\I. B. LAMAR The commissioners, appointed by the consultation of Texas, in the month of November, 1835.-arrived in the City of Orleans, on the first day of January, of that year. The object of their mission, was first; to ascertain the state of pub- lick opinion, in the United States of the North and as far as prac- ticable, to give direction to that opinion; Second to effect a loan of one million of dollars for the use of the Government. On their arrival in Orleans,-their hopes were chilld, and their prospects clouded, by an opposition not before anticipated. They remained in the city, until a publi~k meeting was calld. This was effected, through the intervention, of a· few ardent, and devoted friends, to the cause of Texas. That meeting was presided by Col. William Christy, who gave a frank and manly expose, of the circum- stances in which Texas was placed. This meeting was also attended, and addressed, by the three commissioners; who were sustained, and most powerfully aided, by Juddge Bledso _of Kty. He made an ani- mated and forcible appeal to the justice, and sympathies, of the meet- ing, the result of which, was infinitely benificial to the cause of Texas. It silenced the opposition of our enemies, and gave confidence to our friends. Shortly after t11is meeting, we effected the two loans, in that city; The commissioners left Orleans, on the 22nd of January, took the course of the Mississippi and Ohio, to Pitsburg. they visited the principal Towns and cities, on those Rivers, where town meetings were calld, addressed, by one or more, of the commissioners, who were de- lighted with the demonstrations of kindness, Sympathy and disposi- tion to aid, in the just and laudable strngglc in which we were en~aged. Committil'S were appointed, in all the towns & Cities, for thl' purpose of giveinf! ns, snch aid, as the laws of their Country won]d warran Throug-h their labonrs we have been so far Sustained. We proceeded from Pittshm-g, to Baltm Philadph :New York Brookland- and Rich- mond. In these Towns, we wrre received with eqnal dem,qnstrations, of kindness and sympathy Committiei-were appointed, for the pnr- pose of giving us every al'd, ronsistent with the law of the land- At the scat of government C\Yashingto City) two mcctinl!S were calld. hy the citi1.cns-Those meetings wcrr numerionsly nttcndcd by the citi1.cns of the Town, n11d by the mcmbcri- of the two Houses n Congress. Erach merting was acldrcsscl by one of the commissioners. 'l'hry were th~·(' nided (hy one of the most splcndi<l efforts, ever made in the cause of justice, and of liberty,) by George ,vnshington Curtis -UnivcrsaJ enthusiasm seemed to animate every s0111; and nll pro-

ceeded well f Endorsed)

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