The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


No. 516 [18361], J. M. TOR.NEL, [:M'EXICO, l\IE-YICO 7] TO V. FILISOLA 22

The following letter was written [to] Vincente Filisola, general in chi~£ of [the] :Mexican armies, by Jose l\Iaria Tor[nel,] Secretary of the War Department, [to] publi h it through the liberality of [the re]spectable firm of thi city, by whom it was communicated. To His Excellency the G [ eneral in] Chief, don incente F [ ili ola] Dear Friend [a] pa[th]y of Con- gres , and [ ] nullity of the ..,.overnment, it b [e- comes] nece ary to· put in u ea certa[i11 stra]tagem to save our coun- try and ourselves. You will have to lend a hand to its execution, un- less you want to perish with your army, after witnes ing the utter de- struction of the republic.-'-Such i the boldness of our revolutionary radicals, and the weakness of the government, that from this time up to the moment when you adopt this plan, you will neither receive money nor soldier.; you must, ere now, be convinced of the truth of the first point; as to the second, a more positive proof cannot be. given than the sudden halt of the army of reserve. Such, then, i the proper. method of exeeutina my plan: all opinions m'llst be generalized: above all, a letter must be written to the government of this capital, men- tioning very particularly that all the army want a Dictator to be ap- pointed, who will remain in office until Texas be restored to the re-. public. Who will be the man 7 o matter; perhaps Valencia, for 1le is at the same time the hope and the fear of many. This idea is not so much to put the plan into execution as to get a powerful congr to inve t the o-overnment with all power to re- str:ain the revolutionary pirits, and enli t new soldier to carry on the war .and maintain good order. I have said enough; reflect on my words; you will fully [appreciate bow tim]ely is th[isl measure [ ] lost; and mark me, [keep] t11is letter written by a friend ron whom] you can [re]ly.- J. M. TOR [EL.]


"Election of Viesca~from General Coss-"; the disturbance fol- lowing the removal of the eat of government of Coabuila and Texas from Saltillo to l\Ionclova. . Df. 2 p. ·No. 518 ' [18361, 1\fIRABEAU BU01 PARTE LAMAR, COLUl\IBIA T TEXAS] , Coahuila and Texas under the constitution of 1824; A us tin's mis- . "'Newspaper clipping.

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