The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 33 [1821-9 Feb. 8-Nov. 1, "LAWS, ORDERS, AKD CONTRACT ON COLONIZATION TO 1821 TO 1829 UNDER WHICH COL- ONEL STEPHEN F. AUSTIN INTRODUCED AND SETTLED El\IIGRANTS IN TEXAS. TR.\NS- LATED FROM THE SP ANISII. SALTILLO, 1829. "]3 6 P AlI- PIILET. FRAGl\IE:KTS OF SEVERAL COPIES Austin's translation. No. 34 182i ,llar. 8, [l\IIRABEAU BUOXAPARTE LAMAR, CAHAWBA l . ALABAMAY] "Village Miscellany To be ,n-itten in a series of numbers By Mr. Lanthornbalvon . . . No. 1." A. D. 8 p. Prospectus. No. 35 1821 June 18-Sept. 22, [STEPHEN FULLER AUSTIN] 31 Diary of his journey from Kew Orleans to his colony in Texas; with appended letters and notes. Copy by Lamar. 61 p. P. 1-54 copied from Austin's note-book; 55-61 added by Lamar. No. 36 1821 J1t11e 27, JO[SEPII) IL HAWKINS, :NEW ORLEANS, [LOUISIANA] TO [l\IARIA BROWN] AUS'fIN, [HERCULANEUM, l\IISSOURI) 38 His high opinion of Stephen [F. Austin] ; his co-operation with Austin in bis colonizing project; condolence upon the death of [;\loses Austin]; offer of help. Copy. 3 p. lu 110. 2407, p. 13-15. No. 37 1821 Oct. 4, J. LONG TO COl\GIIANDING OFFICER AT SAN ANTONI0 39 James Long to the Commanding officer at San Antonio. Presidio de Ia Bahia del Espiritu Santo. October 4th, 1821. I was marching to this place, for the purpose of opening a friendly ..Printed In Gammel, H. P. N., Laws of Te:uu, I, 3; Tezas Almanac ror 1858, 146; extracts In Wooten, D. G., A Oomprchensivo Jnstory of Texas, I, 448. To be printed In the Austin Pa1,ers. "Printed In Tl1c Quartcrl11 of the 1'eras Stale llistoricnl .Assocfotion, VH, 286. ..To be printed In the Austin Pa11ers. ucopy of Engllsb translation by Xavier de Bray; the original has not been found. There are, however, n. large number of documents concerned with this Incident In both the Bexar and Nacogdoches Archives.

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