The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



was anxious to get him out of the country, both on account of the part Zavala took with Farin in putting down the rebellion of Arriste and Duran, and also becau e he dreaded further opposition to the plans of agrandizemt which he meditated.- . P.revious to his setting out for pari.J, he had sent his wife to Vera- cruz, to await his coming, he remainino- in l\fexico to settle ome of hi private affairs. It is wonderful that Zavala and Bu tamente sailed from Veracruz together, to i\ew York, where they arrived after a most tremendous and tempestuous voyage of 14 days. Bu tamente oftt>n dined with 1\1r. Zavala in Paris. Socially he was agreeable and sprightly-in person was thick et roundfaeed.- In ·ew York she became mother of her fir t child, Emily, and ailed in January 1834 for Paris. Here l\Irs Zavala abided about six months an:d returned to New·York- her Im band following ome few months after, and joined her in that City, having given up his mi sion in con- sequence of the treason of Santana to the Federation. Zavala left N. York in June for Texa, leaving hi wife in N. York, and landed in New Orleans; from thence he sailed to Thxa . Mrs Zavala, left N. York came to N. Orleans, and ailed in the Flash with Col Morgan, and anchoring near New Wa hington Col 1'Iorgan sent her ashore in a skiff at l\Ir Ruthe's place, arriving there about sun- set, when tidings being to her hu band at Lynchbugh, he came and joined his wife immediately.- this was the last of December 1835-Zavala in the mean time had bought his residence on the Buffalo Bayou.


Mr . Zavala and l\fexia in pro!!eeding on their journey from Puebla to Mexi-co, over Bu tamente and ariste, who were then pri oner be- ing conducted to the Capitol. At night there being no accommoda- tions for the ladies, Arista gave hi upper to them, and resirned his bed also-

In the runaway scrape Mrs Zavala lo t all her clothing-, and a large amount of Silver plate &c- She and her hu band, only left her hon e one day before the l\fexican made their appearance at Lynchburgh. Ffaving left a trunk of ilver behind, J Ir Zavalla propo cd to go back after it- on their way, in a kift', they saw Lyncbe family flying down to Scotts point, crying- the ~Iexicans arc upon us- whereupon, 'the men who were rowin~ 1\fr. Zavala' were . o parnlized, that they were unable to work, and fr. Zamla and,hi. wife taking the.oar had to pull back, to Scott where they had tarried the night previous!- From Scotts they went. up goo e Creek, where they met Mr. Dor ct & family, from t'he Trinity from whom g-ot a Cup of Coffee. Their on]y hope of c. cape from the enemy wa. the arrival of the steam-boat, .Correor, which, ~\·as :momentarily expected. She had g-one up the Trinity. Finally she hove in sight- Zavnla 's and Dor etts' family crossed over to Spilman 's I land, where [Incomplete]

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