The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 515 [18361 M. B. LAl\IAR., ZAVALA'S POI T1 BUF'FALO BAYOU?]. INFORi\IATION CON'CERNI G ZAVALA Information derived from l\rrs Zavala respecting her husband

Emily West- married by Padre Varrela in New York, January 1830.-

He spent ( fr Zavala) more than a year in the United States travel: ling, and then returned to his native land. Leaving ,hi wife in VeraCruz (she remained there 3 months) he proceeded with haste to the City of Toluca; here he was involved in the revolutionary storms of tbe period, and was forced to fly to the mountains; where he remained 10 or 12 days and returned to Toluca at the head of a force of Indians (who were· alway greatly devoted to him) and soon put down the disturbances and quieted the place.- He now sent for his wife at Vera Cruz· who had remained there . about three months; She left with i\Irs Mexia, under a guard of ten Soldiers. They travelled in their "Litero' '-and the first night had to sleep in it in- They r were] serenaded that .night by fhe most heavenly music.--On arriving at "puente Colorado" in one clay's travel of Puebla. Here they stopped stopped [sic] for the night; but the woman of the house refused to give them supper; whereupon the soldier killed a chicken and forced the woman to cook it. While at supper in came a fierce and ferocious looking man, loaded down with arms. It was the proprietor of the premises and bu band of the woman. He cast furtive glances at the two travele and the e cort and eyed particularly the l\frs. 1\1exia's wn.tch and other jewelry which the ladies had placed on the table. He was the leader of a brigand party; but restrained by the escort, he snffered the ladies to depnrt the next morning without molestation. Their waggon that day broke down; and while fixing it they discovered a pool of blood near. This gave them great unea ine ; but proce<'ding to a neighboring vil- lage (3 miles off) they found exposed in the Church the Corp e of a man who had been killed the day before. (There i no doubt that it was the work of the brigand with whom they had tarried the previous night)-Pas. ing thro' Cordova, and Orazaba, two heavenly spot , where they remained seYC'ral days, with Mrs Pcdra1.a, wife of the pre iclent, who was then on her way to the City of • lcxico, to join her hu band who llad been recalled to the prcsiclency.-She was a most amial:>le and estimable woman. Mr Pedraza had a brother Killed, in the battle, dethroning Busta. moo~. ~ (What a wonder!w coincidence-- Pedraza who had been driven into exile by the revolution of the Acordn.da, gotten up by Zavala; and Zavala oon after forced to leave the country himself- they both

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