The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



nority which nevertheless the necessities of the case required us to act which I am proud to say succeeded well and proved satisfactory to the Coru ultatiou and the People on the 15th. Octr. as Appointed many members Elect to the Consultation assembled and Called me (A member also) to the Chair- and being Ignorant of the existing difficulties, they Required considerable I~xplanation and Historical detail (no tranger to those times can Imagine how little was Gen- erally Know by Citizens, of Texas of their true situation which no doubt arqse from a want of rew Papers and mails in the Country) But When well understood all were united in a determination to Re- sist oppression. At this period the minority assembled & Receaved Resolutions of a meeting of those members, Elect who were in the Army then assembled at Gonzales expressive of their determination to Remain ~within View of Redu..cing Bexar before the assembling of the Consultation and• Urging.other Immediately to Repair to Head Quarters (a few days before Austin had been elected By the troop commander in Chief and a few days before that the occurrence of the Firing on the l\fexicans who -came after the Cannon took place) Ac- cordingly the members pre ent adjourned to a semble again on the 1st. 1 1 ovr. or .a soon as Practible and voted that those wi10 were not armed or for other cau e could not Join the Army to Remain and form a part of the Council till 1 t. Novr. ccordingly on the 31st. of October most of the members Elect arrived leaving ome por- tion however in Camp as ome disagreement abou the matter took place I am told and was like to Result seriously for the safety and Good orginization of the Army. At this Juncture I received pri- vately a detail of facts from some Individual who came in a few days previous to the a embling of the Consultation and as President of 'the Conn'Cil then composed of about 30 member I Addressed a Circular to the Voluntcers of the Army urging them to be Quiet and flattering their Hope with Prospect which I .believe existed and were in part Realized this Letter was very lengthy and I am informed by Mr. Wnr. H. \Vharton then one of the General's ·staff) bad a very s~essf\i.111 and salutary effect in calming -complaints and. Reconciling the Army to their unprovided and de titute situation during the short time of my Presiding. We sustained the Expences of the Army and forwarding supplies By means of about $225 then in the Chiefs Department, Dues we collected on the $30 owin"' to the state on Lands from people who entered them under the I aws of Colonization and some funds which my Bui ness enabled me to spare - The Consultation was ot·ganised and proceeded to consider of their duties as, I, do not doubt you are fully Informed Before adjourn- ment they elected one of their own Body of each County to form a Council intended I expect to be advisary but called Legislative. the Executive wa compo d of a Governor (Smith) and Council presided by the Lieut. Govr. (Robinson). This Council you no doubt have been Informed Enacted many Law . And Disagreeing Iaterially with the Governor on many Important Points caused much disafection in the .Government. A Particular member of very Tu?spectable ca- pacity, and the Governor were personally unfriendly which Kept alive a Disposition of Jealousy and Dl temper. In the mean time the Immagination of the Governor strengthened in my opinion by tales,

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