The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



action I ball commence with the meeting of the Citizens in Columbia about the mo of ngust, 1835 which may correctly be aid to be the fir t succes, fnl tep 1o ReYolutionize Texa thi meeting by Bold Re - olutions an urgent ralls upon the people a well a a full detail of facts which the Iexican Govt. have Artfully concealed, excited the Resentment and fears of our Citizen to a Considerable extent and by mean of special appointment of men from the Committee of \ igilance and safety formed by themselves. Ao-ent were di patched to each county to urge the people to form for each county similar committees who were put into Immediate -correspondence with each other about matter. in which the safety and Dearest Intere ts of the Country were concerned while this scheme was progres in"' under doubtfull circum tance (for really I belie,·e a majority of all Texa was opposed and om· chief Wiley Iartin of the number) all was anxiety and doubt The more Enlightened were much alarmed at the preparation of the Iexican for a Campaighn But the le informed were difficult to be made to believe there wa real cause of Alarm while ome designing men were very Bu ily engaged in Labouring to di. sipate the fear of om citizen and in this our Chief took no small part and they were more confirmed by favourable Reports made from Bejar By our a"'ent Me rs. Barrett & Gritten who had been Dispatch By a few of the Repre entative of the People who had a sembled at the Town of Austin with Instructions to have an Inter- view with Genl. Coss and Report to the Chief. . If they ere deceived they were stupid dupes If not Traitors to 'r[exa .] When all was in suspence, and full of doubt Genl. Au ti11 suddenly arrived from Iexico and wa received by a unive1·sal welcome in every part of Texas for she really wanted Information which he Possessed and hi being direct almo t from :'lfoxico and from his well kn0\\'11 caution and pacific dis- po ition and habits he was the very man to unite Texa . IIe accordino-ly after ome days delay in order I suppo e to compare his information ,vitb occurrauce I hued hi circular 21 to all the committee tating that war wa · Inevitable and urrred the People Immediately to Repair to Gonzales with a View to attack Bexar where Genl. Coss wa then expected with ·a con idcrable force for the purpo e of Invading Texas (Austin' arrival had a happy effect in uniting 'l'exas) hortly after this ay in a few days he acting then as Chairman of the Committee of ,\ustin, Called upon Each Committee to send a number Elect from their Body to form a Council at San Felipe to provide for the neees- ities of the Country till the Consultation could a emble which had been previously ordered hy the Committees to meet on tho 15th. Octr. 1 35- at San Felipe-- times now were very doubtfnll the ncces.<ritie of the entcrpri:e great and Respon ibilitie Grcat for tho_e ,vho a - sumed a stand of opposition to the Govt. now subject to the whims of n mi.Sh'11ide<l people who having no mean , among them of Di eminating 'frnth we1·e subject to be Oro. sly mi cruided by the Corrupt. A part of the Committees sent, members others pcrhnps from timidity didnot I WM elected Ry a meeting of the Com. & Citizens from l\lntagorda ·and by snn Ri. e on the ~ ·ext day left for San Felipe where I was on my arrival made Pre idcnt of the Council ompo ed of n mall mi- "'No. 229.

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