The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



motive which actuates me together with my exten ive acquaintance with your family, will be my apology if any should be deemed neces- sary- l'y desire is to enquire of you in regard to the family, and Circumstances of the ill fated James ,v Fannin-whom you person- ally know niore about I expect than any of his friends'- Since his death I have had no information that I could rely upon as to his family where they are, how many children he has left, nor whether he left them any support or not. If you are in possession of uch information will you at some lesure moment inform me and by so doing greatly oblige an enquiring friend & relative- feeling as I al- ways have, &; sl[t]ill do great intere t in the success of the Texian cause, I may be permited to congratulate you. for the useful & dis- tinguished part you have taken in her achievements and I hope final Independences. but for God Sake never permit that Savage of all Savages Santa Anna to escape with life which I fear is too much the temper of many of your leding men.

In haste for the Ship Your friend A. B. Fannin [Endorsed] Letter of

[Addressed] To. Texas l\Ir. Barnwell

A B Fannin Savannah 15th. December 1836

Genl. 'l. Lamar.

with the army

No. 506 1836 Dec. 17, JA IES H. TICKNOR, APPALACHICOLA, [FLOR- IDA] TO l\I[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [COLU IBIA], TEXAS Asking for a midshipman's commis ion in the Texas i J avy; his hope of avenging the death of hi cousin, Captain Isaac 'ricknor. A. L. S. 2 p. ·No. 507 1836 Dec. 20, G. R. ROTJi 1 TRE·E, 1 EW ORLEANS, rLOUISIANA] TO l\IIRABEAU Bruo1 APARTE] LAMAR, [COLUJ\IBIA, TEXAS] Introducing Henry Mackie. A. L. S. 1 p. 1 0. 508 1836 Dec. 23, R. ROYALL TOM. B. LA IAR, [COLUMBIA] Columbia 23rd. Decmr. 1836 - Dear Genl. In obedience to your Request I proceed to to [sic] give you a sketch of a Hi torical ,account of the proceedings of the People of Texas which have led to the present Establi hed Govt. As I emigrated to Tcxa a short time before the attack and capture of Fort Velasco and (though favourable to) was not in that

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