The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



myself agane reassociated with and participating in the enjoyments afforded by those to whom Nature has most nearly allied me I was prostrated in five minutes after my arrival and in bed with my shak- ing companion. l\Iy arrival in fifteen minutes was familiar to every Child and little negrow in the upper part of the City; thirty minutes more I found at my bed sid[e] one who appeared to languish for thy absence like a prophet who wants the inspiration of lris god She was the most magnificent and categorical of inquirers after yourself her scintillating eye..'< palpitati11g heart and vexed spirit at not receiving any writen inteligence gifted from your own hand breathing one retrospective thought of bygon(e] assotiations that She might· sigh with anticipations blending your and her mutual subsequent hap- piness this ware all indicated and a thousand other inexpresables an[d] incidental heave of her restless bosom, this thing is better de- picted in the persuit of your own immagination aided by a recolection of your own ocular ilustrations. I have since ,been in her company the topic of conversation invariably partained to the South West Our citizens are much disappointed at not seeing you before this time we had made some preparations for your reception when we herd that you had returnd from Orleas to.Texas in [con] sequence of a prospect of negO<'iating with :Mexico for an immediate ettablishment of peace and recoimition of our inclependance God speed the consumation to that effect. I trust that I shall see you in 'fexas the fifteenth or twentieth of January I shall leave so soon as my impared but impro·ving health will athorize the measure

I remain your humble and devoted friend Wm. D. Redd Texas Army. [Endorsed] Letter of ·wm. D. Redd

[Addressed] l\Iajor Genl. :'II n Lamar Vice President of the Republic of Texas.

Columbus Georgia Deer. ]2 1836

;\O. 504

1836 Dec.13, G[AZAWAYJ B. LA~IAR, SAVANNAH, [GEORGIA] TO MflRABgAUl BfUO'N"APARTE) LAMAR, VELASCO, [TEXAS] Introducing Benj[amin] B. Sturges, a Nullifier, son of the late Oliver Sturges. A. L. S. 1 p. i\O. 505· 1836 Dec. 1!i, A. B. F A~;\I~ 'rO ;'If. fl. L41'IAR, [ COLUMBIA] Savannah 15th Deer 1836 General, Dear Sir, . .:\ly slight acquaintance with you in Geo1·gin would lmrclly justify the liberty I now take in addressing you a few lines, but the

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