The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 501 [18361 Dec. 9 , I\f. B. LAMAR, COLU)IBIA 1). FORl\I OF OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO ITURBIDE Form of the Oath of alligiance to Iturbide. This was sent to Josiah Bell to administer in his official Capacity as Alcalde. Bell was the first Alcalde on the Brazos. "I acknowledge the authority of the Constituted Sovr~ign Con- gress and Lord Augustine Yterbide, Constitutional Emperor of the Mexican Nation. '\Ne swear to God and to his Evangelical Saints, to 6bey all the laws and decrees which eminate.from those two Supreme Authorities; like- wise to take arms in defence of this Nation which I have adopted as my own, against all classes of enemies which may present themselves and to fulfill the orders of the established Government." This Oath was administered by Bell to the people on the Brazos- March 1825; the people assembled at San Fillipe, nearly the w;ttole Colony assembled, to take oath to the Constitution of Mexico 1824- No. 502 1836 Dec. 11, S: R. FISHER TO I\f. B. LA~fAR, [COLU:\IBIA] Columbia. Decem: 11-1836 Dear General, My particular object in furnishing you ,vith the foregoing state- ment20 is that you may not only have another link to connect the his- torical chain, but that I may have justice done me. The Government ~ever have replied to me, tho' I wrote them on the subject several times. I was then primary Judge of the municipality, and chairman of the Committee, and being of course the highest authority, and hear- ing nothing from the council at San Felipe, & the support of the pris- oners -being considerable J released them to embark for New orleans. A few general observations from you on that subject will produce the proper impression• In August 1832 there were a number of Electors chosen from ·the Col- onies to proceed to Bexar, and there, A Governor, Vice Governor-- delegates to the State Congress and other officers- they met on the 9th : Sept: at Bexar- those who went from the colonies werc--S. Rhoads Fisher- James Kerr- Robt :M. Williamson-William Pet- tus, J.B. 1\Uller F. F. Wells Eli Mitchell- F. De Leon & Wm J. Rus- :,cl The April previous the Legislature. of Coahnila & Texas had passed a law prohibitig- any but native 1\fexieans from retailing ~oods, exsepting in the Colonies-and the municipal authorities of Bejar, had about the same time passed a law prohibiting any but nativ mexi- eans from selling beef in Bejar- at that time most of the cattle were driven from the Colonies and was a trade of considerable importanec-- •No. 278. •tor tho' we had no fighting, we were fully prepared tor It, and had no conception It would be otherwise, until within about on~ hundred yards or the Veseel-[Note In document).

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