The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 500 1836 Doo. 7, J. MORGAN TO l\f. B. LAMAR

Anahuac, Deer. 7th. 1836-

M;y dear Genl.

You will have heard that I was at Columbia a second time of late, when & where I had not the pleasure of seeing you. I went over to put a stop to another of Genl. H's plans, of persecution ·against me;- if not a direct attempt to have me assassinated.- Such conduct in a great man towards an humble individual, shows a deadly feeling of hostility & revenge; the cause of which is known but by very few.- But "every dog has his day," you know- my turn may come yet. He has left no stone unturned to injure & degrade me, if he could.- However as long as I have virtuous and honest men for my friends, I have nothing to fear from his malice.- I think the Genl., releasing St. Anna in the face of Congress and the ·people, notwithstanding their veto, will militate much against his pop- ularity. A considerable clamor is already raised against him every where that I have heard from. Yet I am determined to do nothing to injure, him, in any way, even if I could; ,but hope to see him prove himself an able palinurius,- conducting our frail bark safely through the shoals & quicksands which surround her.- I do fear for the result, however,-God save our adopted & devoted Country! I hope to see you ere long and can tell you much of what I have seen of late in a certain quarter that satisfies me "there is something rotten in Denmark.''- By Mr. Richardson, who will bear you this, I take the liberty of sending you an orange,- not because it is a treat or curiosity, but be- cause it is the production of Texas.- A part of my trees at N. Wash- ington bore this year; and I wish you to have it in your power when you again visit your native Country to say you have eaten an orange that grew in you adopted Country- Regret I had no way to send a few more.- Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you soon, remain l\Iost trnly & devotedly,

Dear Genl.

Yr. friend,

J l\Iorgan '


Genl. l\I. B. Lamar. [Addressed]

[Endorsed] James Morgan

Genl. l\L B. Lamar, Brazoria.

Anahuac Deer.7th 1836

l\fr. Richardson.

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