The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF fmABEAU Buo ,\PARTE LAMAR 509 In conclusio~, may I ask of youi sir, to do me the justice to place my conduct in the proper light should I be assailed! With every feeling of respect & friendship I am Yr obt servt Sam P Carson Honbl. f. B. Lemar


[Addressed] Honbl

Letter of

Sam P Carson

f B Lemar Vice President By

The Douglas place

ovember 28 1836

of Texas


------ No. 498

1836 Nov1, J. G. FA r ING TOM. B. LAMAR, [COLUMBIA] Columbia . Tuesday forning. Sil' ' For th'e purpose of s·ecuring my passage to New Orleans, I am compelled to lave this place on the instant. Should y.ou make the necessary arrangements, will you have the kindness to inform me at your earliest convenience. I shall hold myself in readiness to carry the design into execution at any moment .I shall receive your instruc- tions so to do.

Yery respectfully

Yr. obdt servt

Vice Prest. M. B. Lamar

Jas. G. Fanning

(Addressed] · Vice Prest. M. B. Lamar, Present.


From ·Pas. G. Fanning

lTO. 499

1836 De,e. 3, J. G. F


New Orleans, Saturday, Dec. 3, 1836 .

Dr. Sir-

Previous to leaving Columbia, I addressed a note to you, containing my reasons for so doing. ,ve arrived at Jew Orleans on the 27th. Nov. after a passage of four days. The affairs of Texas, though still an object of interest here, do not excite that enthusiasm with which they were formerly contemplated. It appear as though old Uncle Sam after relieving the immediate dis- tress of one of his children, now stands with his hands thrust into his pockets to the elbows, calmly and attentively surveying the position of the infant Republic. Uy own opinion as to the cause he will pursue

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