The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



which I hope; will ever remain so, for should millions invade ns, North Americans rimst meet them undaunted with me it is enviable glory; to die under the banner of the lone star of Texas, which glim- mers with solitary splendor; on the wide spread Hori~on of l\1exico ! -In relation to the constitution; I have ·only to say, that I oonccive it to be .in accordance with the interest a.nd genius of the people; and truly republican; It would seem however; from the general provisions of the same; that the convention exercised powers which might be said; to belong to a legislative.body; as well as to a Judicial tribunal; but independent of this; I conceive it to be admirably calculated to ensure unto us the blessings of prosperity and national distinction.

I Remain Sir with the most profound respect your Excelly's most Obt & humble S.ervt Colin De Bland. [rubric] [Endorsed] Collin De Bland Nacogdoches 1836

[Addressed] To

His Excellency

liL B. Lamar Pre-sident of the senate & Vice President of tbe Republick of Texas Columbia

No. 497

1836 Nov. 28, S. P. CARSON TO_J\I. B. LAl\IAR, [COLUMBIA]

The Douglass place [Pulaski County, Arkansas] Novr 28th [1]836

1\Iy Dear Sir

'Without a personal acquaintance I adress you. An apology I deem superfluous as we have known each other by repetation for some time. I have thought it more than probable· that I should be subjected to censure because I had returned to 'rexas. Should this be the case it will be unjust-Never have my feelings, thoughts, & anxieties, been so much imposscd for a country or People as for Texas- l\1y heolth my wretched health has paralised many of my cfforts- 1\fissfortnncs have befallen me in my estate & indeed my spirits are depressed.,._ To my faithful friend Mr Hill I refer you for particulars Should my health permit you will see me in Texas again,-indeed the moment I think myself able to go I will be off- I have written to my old Friend President Ifouston 18 & given him n brief statement of the course I pursued for Texas while a,bsent-I wish you to read it-

2 'Thla letter to Houston Is printed In Garrison, G. P., Diplomatlc Corre- tponaence of the Republio of Te:i:aa, I, 146.

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