The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




Brazoria 20th Tov l836

Dear Sir The accompaning dccument from Genl L B. Lamar bas just been handed me. To preserve my honor un potted a conscince void of offence i my highest object in life. For thi I am willing to live and can- dare to die. The delicate duty I have selected you to perform affords the highest evidence of my confidence in you. To say that I wish wantonly to take the life of any individual would prove me a monster, to say that I wished unnecessarily to expo e my own would be untrue. But that I am prepared for the one or the other when necessary I need not assert to you. To be at peace with all the world would be a ource of heart felt sati faction. When the laughter of enemies would cea e either to heal wounds or bring consolation. This matter if speedily adjusted in an amicable way with which I am satisfied will to me be desirable. HaYing confidence :in the person in- terfering I am willing the attempt shall .be made but shall claim the right should I be dissatisfied of renewing the matter in whatever shape may become necessary.

Yr fr'd & ob't er't J as. Collinsworth [rubric] [Endorsed]

Col J. A Wharton [Addressed]

Col Jno A. Wharton

James Collengsworth 20 Novr. 1836 Brazoria

No. 494 1836 lYov 20, T. J. RUSK TOM. B. LA LAR, [COLIDffiI.A]


20th Nov 1 36

Dear General I had written mo t of the notes I promi ed. to furni h yon with but on examining them I find them not ns full n I could wi h and in fact in the bustle here where there i o little chance of ,\-rifing it i very difficult to make them out properly I therefore concluded it would be best to make them out at Tacogdochcs I hall have n much better opportunity and I can then refer to some Document which are important If you come by acogdocl1cs I will hand them to you then If you do not I will cnclo e them to you to .. fille<lgeville Georgia

Trulv Yonrs

. Thos J Ru k

f Bndorscdl

[Ad<lre. cell

Gcnl :M. B. Lamar Present

cnl Rusk r O\'l" 183G

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