The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



honor when Genl. Lamar and Genl. Henderson & Col Hockley presides & shall await tbeir decision which shall be both binding and conclusive Yours Most


E. Morehouse




Letter of

Genl. 1\1. B. Lamar Present

E Morehouse

Brazoria Novr. 20 1836

No. 491

1836 Nov. 20, E. l\fORETIOUSE TO 1. B. LAMAR Braooria 20th. Jov. 1836

· To Genl. Lamar Dear Sir

. Your note of yesterday addressed to Col. lillard & Col. Col- linswort};l was handed to Col. £Hard this morning- and in reply permit me to add that your motives are fully appreciated &c-

I remain Your

H uml. & obt. Sevt

E. l\torehouse


[Addressed] '.l'o

E. Morehouse

Genl. l\f. B. Lamar Brazoria

r ovr. 20 1836


No. 492

1836 Nw. 20, J. A. WH'ARTO TOM. B. LAl\IAR Brazoria Texas 20th. Novr. '36

Genl M. B. Lamar Sir

Your communication of this date addressed to Col. l\Iillard & James Collinsworth Esq has been refered to me for reply. I appre- ciate the motives which prompted you to make the propositions and entertain no doubt but that the honor of my friend would be safe in your charg~. I therefore give you full liberty to make every honorable effort for .the adjustment of the pending difficulty. Whatever is done towards effecting a reconciliation rnust be done promptly.

Yours with high regard

John A Wharton



Genl. LB. Lamar Present

Letter of

John A. Wharton Brazoria

Novr. 20--1836

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