The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



~o. 489 1836 Nov. 20, J. ir. WOLFE TO :'IL B. LA~fAR, [BRAZORIA] Columbia Texas Nov. 20 1836 Gen. M Lamar I have been compelled to leave here to attend the District Court of the United States in an important Case in which my Client is deeply inter<.'13ted and having an anxious wish to proclaim to my native Country that Your Congress has maintained the Character of an in- dependent Nation which I as your agent wh~n acting did pledge my- self ~ow depart for the purpose of sending emigrants and to use all my influence to strengthen your physical and moral force The Judicial department is one that requires great intellectual and legal research and if Congress honors me with the Station my utmost exertions will be used to maintain the Standing o.f the bench which rely upon it is in part your Salvation where life liberty property and your security are deeply interested. · :My exertions when your agent have been duly appreciated by the kindness and hospitality received from both houses which I havo had the honor to visit and their thanks received is an ample compensation for my services But we have yet much to do your Judiciary have great labors to per- form which will require integrity ability and a profound depth of legal love If elected sl1all return immediately to the discharge of my duties. Be pleased to Communicate to Congress the assurance of 1:1y high regard and esteem and accept for yourself every mark affection J. l\I. Wolfe [rubric] My name is mentioned for the Brasoria district [Addressed] The Hon. M. Lamar President of the Senate of the Republic of Texas JMW. [Endorsed] J. l\L Wolf Novr 1836

No. 490 1836 Nov. 20, E. MOREHOUSE TO 1\1. B. LAMAR BRAZORIA 20th. :N'ov 1836

Genl. Lamar Dear Sir

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of this morning- In reference to that part of my note not being explicit as that of the other party,- Would now most respectfully say- that I most willingly commit & trust the honor of my friend to the court of

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