The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



words obliterated in manuscript) the San Sava & Red River, but [requested] that hi division (now about 650) should be increased to number in all 1000 men, and as he did not recYe. any such [rein]forcem~nt, nor other upplies he demanded, he continued in his camp on the Tl'inity until late in Deer. From thence he marched to a place called the Brasos Sprfog , where he tarried until about the middle of Jany. 1820, ,vhen he commenced to move towards Bexar, where he arrived on the 2nd. of Feby,- Totwithstanding the many reprisals of horses & mules, nearly all the division arrived at Bexar afoot-l\Iartinez says Peres' army has just arrived, their condition is pitiable, deplorable in the extreme, the major part are afoot- barefoot,-naked and half starved. During the latter part of their .tay on the Trinity & Brasos, they suffered severely with hunger a11d also for want of other necessaries essential to their comfort. Ko. 26 1820 Jlay 31, A. ~fARTii\EZ, [SAf ArTTO. IO?] TO [J. RUIZ DE APODACA, -~IEXIC<;), ~1EXIC0)3 1 A l\Iartinez in his official to the VR of )fay 31st, 1820, ,ly "I have just recd. a communication 32 from the Comdt. of the Bahia in which he informs me of the arrival at that place of 2 fri"endly Conchate Indians, who have brought letters for me from D. Felipe Trudeau (in Natchitoches), said Indians give notice of having observed in Natchitoches a troop of soldiers, strange and unknown to them, and that spoke a language different from that of the Americans; that they, said Indians, heard that the troop came down the l\fiss- i sippi River in company with many families hailing as merchants, by which stratagem the Americans had been deceived and manife ted much di pleasure; the criole French and Spaniards, on the contrary, manifested much complacency." o. 27 1820 Nov. 18-Dec. 5, GEORGIA V. AFRICAN SL.AVES CLAHIED BY WILLIA I BOWE::-i'. UNITED STATES DI TRICT COURT FOR 'l'IIE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. SAVA~NAH, GEORGIA Papers in the uit: Interrogatoric for Jamcs Long, lrt~ eahorn Jone! to John :\f. Bcrl'ien, commi -ion to raborn Jones. opy, Df., D. S. 5 p. No. 2 [c. 1820!, ALFRED IVER o. \ PRI ' ETO •• , xgw .mH EYYJ E · · y upon the fall of witznlnnd. 4 p. "English translation. •A copy or this letter from the commander at La. Bahia, Jo~ de Jesus Aldrete, to Martinez Is In the Bexar Arrhlves: dated May 28, 1820.

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