The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



1 0. 486 1836 Nov. 17, S. R. FISHER TO F. l\I. GIB ON, [COLUl\IBIA 1) To F. :01. Gibson Esq Javy Department Late Capt Comdg iiarines Columbia 17th Novr. 1836. Sir Your note of the 5th instant stating your fur- lough has expired, has been received, you will please inform the De- partment when your furlough expired, that your accounts may be audited, By the 8th Section of the Executive Ordinance all commis- sion ceace upon the installation of the present Chief Executive and the situation of the 1 avy is such that there will be no occasion £or your further services Your Obdt. ervt (Signed) S Rhoads Fisher · Secretary of tbe Navy I hereby certify that the· abo e is a true copy of the records in the Dept Navy Dept I ouston 1st pl 1839 P. \\T. Humphreys Chf, Clk,

1836 Nov. 18, HENRY siIITH, BR.AZOR! , TE r AS, TO l\I[IR.A- BEAU] B[U01T.APARTE] LA 1AR, [COLU IBIA f TEX )1 8 Reminiscen es, c. 1788-1836. A. L. 41 p. One of the historical documents fnrnished Lamar by Smith.


Brazoria 19th Novr 1836.

Col 1\Iillard and Col Collingsworth


. With much solicitude I have heard of the

difficulty pending between yon, and am so thoroughly satisfied that there is no just foundation for the same, that I feel bound as n friend to both, as well as a lover of truth & ju tice, to interpose, for tl1e purpose of bring-in!? about an amicable & honorable adjustment. To effect thi. end, I believe that it is only necessary that yon understand each other. I have not spoken to either of yon, or to any of yonr friends on the subject of reconcilintion, but hnvc assumed the liberty of thus addre.. ing yon jointly, with n sinccr hope that whilst yon do justice to my motives, you will al o give due weight to the consid- erations which I nrgc. You nre placed in n itnation which will not permit you to be competent judge. of what yon have n right to exact of each other. You are in hot blood- cnch feeling himself agrieved '"Printed In The Quartcrl11 of the Texaa State Jlbtorical Aasociatfon, I, 24.

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