The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



c eded immediate]y thither; where he found only a trail leading f.rom that place (Atasco ito) towards Cayo Gallardo, and pursuing on said trail he came up with them (that is, with the Mexicans & Caballada poken of on the prece ding page) early on the same night before they reached the place above mentioned, and in consequence of resistance made by 5 Americans who were driving said Caballaila, Galvim was forced to charge; in which act he killed 2 Americans, captured 2 Spands. & 2 Indians, & made reprisal of 96 horse & mules, the property [of) Parientes. The other 3 .Americans escaped under cover of the darkness of the night; Regino Nieto & Salinas had gone in company with some .Americans who had crossed in a pirougue to Galveston Island. In order to complete to [sic) object of his commission, Galvan- as appears by Sd. diary-proceeded to the disembosure of the Cayo Gallardo, and at ,a. pJace called the :MoJe or Quay, he came upon a Jog r T] house that [ 11 had been abandoned the preceeding day by the French Captain, in consequence, no doubt, of his learning from the fugitives, that Spanish troops were approaching. Immediately .upon Galvan's arrival at the place, the French Capt. ,a.ppeared on the oppo ite bank of the River and enquired what troops they were 7 In gratification of curosity, he wa answered Spanish, and invited over; he replied that he could not come over, as he must consider them his enemies for having Killed 2 of his companfons; upon which he retired, and Galvan, having set fit·e to the house, did the ame. I understand this French Capt. to be .the same that Capt. Juan Castaneda had in his power & liberated, last year (1818) when on ·his expedition to this frontier. I am not positively certain whether or not this man belongs to the faction, but I believe that, if he don't appear among them in their perverse gatherings, he aids t_hem otherwise, or at lea t, his house is a home for them, as is clearly denoted by his expressions to Galvan, that be must consider them his enemies for having killed 2 of his companions. By documt. No·. 28,which is a journal (or chart) by Reynoso [?J of N. Orleans, by letter o. 29, written to one Pedro de los S.antos & signed by Parientes, without date, together with the circumstance of his being in the vicinity of .Atascosito with a drove of horses, it appears beyond a doabt that this gentJemen with those accompany- ing him, were bound for the U.S., and by information contained in documt. No. 30, without signature, which I inclos.e, it appears that he was to debat·k at the port of Corpu Criste :from the 1st. to the· 20th. of Jany. next, a point at which, the supposition is he has, arrangement, or citation, as he is as appears to be, awaited until the 20th. of. Jany. The above three documents are all that was found, of any moment, upon a scrupulous examination of Parientes' equipage. - - - - -. . [The account by Perez closes here; the remainder of the document is a note in Lamar's hand). The foregoing report was written, or concluded, on the Trinity, Deer. 3rd. 1819, and embraces all the active operations of Peres' campaign. . . He designates an attack upon the Tahuacano village, [about four

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