The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 482

[1836 ¥ov. 11, S. H. EVERl'rT, COLUMBIA]. SPEECH Or )IEXICAN PRISON RS OF WAR By passing the Re olution ·we only insist upon what the Constitu- tion has already Given us. ,ve are m:>t Encroaching on the Executives Perogative- We only ask that if Santa Ana is set at Liberty that we shall have (he Reasons Laid before us for our consideration and i£ we can believe it is Right to Relea him there cannot be a doubt but 'rhe senate will concur in the Views of the President- if there is no good to be gained but a los to the Country, then the Senate ought To Re- fuse its Concurrence. Sir the Remarks I have made have been made because I conceived it nzy duty to give my Reasons for the V-0te I shall give on this occa- sion- it is a duty I owe myself, a uty I owe my Country! My duty to my God and in Discharging that Duty I shall act fearless of all Consequences to myself and with the ingle View of Benefitting my Country- I hall clos with thi Remark That with the Evidence be- fore me I cannot see any possible benefit By his Releas and must Vote .~~ . Send him to Washington with an Escort and tbe moment he set his foot on the soil of the . S. with. [ ¥] he is free, and hi~ Escort is liable to pe arrested for false impri .onment. No. 4-83 1836 Nov. 12, A GUS QOLQUIIOUN, CAMP JOHNSON, LA.BACA, ['rEXASJ TO MLIRABEAUJ B[U01 A- PARTE] LAMAR, [COLUi\lBIA, TEXAS] I Asking for appointment as deputy surveyor. A. L. S. 2 p. No. 484 1836 "No1/. 16, M. HUNT To· :M. B. LA lAR, [COLUMBIA] Vicksburg li : 16th Novr. 1836 Honl. :M. B. Lamar Dear Sir: Since writing to you from Norfolk Va. by Mr. Rudder and Balti- more l\Id. by mail, I have directed my attention alone to the pro- curement of such a Taval fource as is expected will be adequate to sus- tain us in possession of the Gulph. arrangements were almost com- plete when I left Jew York for the purcha e of a vessel of 22 guns and I to-gether with two other individuals became responsable for a carvel ship of 22 guns to be built at Baltimore as speedily as practicable. Without the command of the Gulph which we could not have expected to retain against four Mexican Brigs without an increase in our Javey, I considered, an increase of the army a burthen rather than a benefit to Texas,-withoa.t the facilities ·.of transporting the necessary sub- sistence for it to Texas, by sea, and indeed, from the advices ! have

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