The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

486 TEXAS STATE LIBRARY Icy Hughes 4th Sergt, John Gimble 1st Corporal, Walter W Davis 2d Corporal, Abraham Stevens 3d Corporal, J. l\L Powers 4th Cor- poral, Ray Corporal, Privates John Aldridge, Jno l\r Bryson, Michael Carrol, II Corbys, John Ely, George Eubanks, Dominic Gal- laglic, Wilson Helms, Grier Lee, Joseph Loving, Alex J Loverly, Martin Moran,t Aaron S l\fangum, Watkins Xoblcs, John 1\1 Oliver, Patrick Osburn, William Parvin, Gideon S Ross, Anderson Ray, Thos Rumly, William Shelton, James Sm'ith; Christopher Winters, Harrison Young, Josias B. Beall, Jno. Bright,t Reason Banks, II. Shults. CAPT WADSWORTH'S CO~IPANY-1st REGT.TE.."<AS YOLUNTEEns. Thos B. Reese 1st Lieut, J L Wilson 2d Lieut, S A J ~lays 2d Sergeant, Samuel ·wallace 3d Sergt,• J H Neely 4th Sergt,# Jos l\foSherry -1st Corporal, J S Brown 2nd Corporal, J B :'l'Iurphy 3d Corporal, Privates George Rounds, t William Abercrombie, T B Bar- ton, J H Clark, W J Cowan, E Durrain,# J A Foster, Joseph Gamble,# F Gilkerson, William Gilbert, '!'hos. Horry,# A J Hitch-· cock,# Allen Ingram,t John C P Kennymore,# J H l\foore, C C ~Iibne, ir K ~Ioses,t J B Rodgers, R. Slatter, J II Sanders, ,v S Tuber- ville, E Wingate, H. Rogers. t CAPT TICK~OR'S CO:\IP A NY-1st REGIMENT TEXAS VOLUNTEERS. Memory B Tatom 1st Lieut, Wm A Smith 2d Lieut, Edmund Pot- terson 1st Sergt,# Nicholas B Waters 2d Sergt, Richard Rutledge 3d Sergt,t Samuel C Pittman 4th Sergt, Joseph B Tatom 1st Corporal,t James C Jack 2d Corporal, Perry Reese 3d Corporal, Thomas Rieves 4th Corporal, Thomas ,veston Musician, Privates D Greene,# John MeGowen, David Johnson, Samuel Wood, "rm Welsl1,# Isaac N ·Wright, Wm L Alston,'Washington ~Iitchell, Stephen Baker, Henry Hasty, Jas A Bradford, Cornelius Rooney, Seaborne A ;\lills, Cullen Conrad, Jas O Young, Edward Fitsimmons, Hezekiah Frost, C F Hick,t O F Leverett, William Comstock, John O'Daniel,# Charles. Lantz, Evans M Thomas, A )( Lynch, G \V Carlisle, Layten AUen, Jesse Harris, Swords, Wi11iams, Wm PB Debose. CAPT. T. s. WYATT'S CO:.IPANY-IIUNTSVJLl,E VO!,UNTEERS Capt. J>. S. Wyatt, on furlough; B T flra<lfor<l,t 1st It.; Oli,·er- Smith, 2d It.; William ,vallace, 1st sergt.; Georgo Thayer, 2d sergt.; Henry Wilkins, 3d sergt.; .J. D. Rains, t 4th sergt.; OliYer Brown, quartermaster; Peter Allen, musician; Bennett Butler,• Gabriel Bush, Ewin~ Canu.hers, N. Demhrinske, Perry Davis,t Henry Dixon, 'I'. B. Prize), I. 11. ,Fisher, Edward Fuller, Frederick Gebinrnth, Jam<'S Ham- ilton, E. D. Harrison, JI. G. Jluclson,t J. Kortickey, John Lumkin,# C. Nixon, -- Clennon, J. F. Morgan, F. Petreswich, William S. Parker, Chnrles Patton, John R. Parker, William R. Simsou, Freder- ick Swcman, Allen Wren.

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