The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



.1:Jo. 478 1836 Nov. 8, [:\I. B. LAl\IAR] TO [J. )IOR A \ COL )IBI.Al Columbia th. Nover. 1 36 Dear Sir In answer to your note of the 8th. inst. I mu t be permitted to say that the plea ure I take in bearing testimony to your conduct a com- mandant of the port ,on Galveston as ,vell as to your character in general as a man of honor & a gentleman, makes me less regretful of any circumstances which in your estimation may render such testi- mony necessary- Whilst I had the honor of acting on the Island as secretary of ,Var, I had an opportunity of witnessing your official oonduct, and you may read in the fact that you were never called to an a1Ccom1t for your proceedings, a sufficnt evidence of my approval- and to atisfy you that I have had no occasion since I have been out of office, to change my opinion with regard to your fidelity a an officer or deportmt as a gentleman, I beg leave to say that I shall still pleased at all time to receive you as a private a well as a political frnd-

No. 478a

1836 Nov. 9, TELEGRAPH AND TE..:'"AS REGISTER. l\IUSTER ROLL OF FA 1 NIN'S l\IEN 10 The • indicates those who were marched 'C>Ut to be mas acred, but fortunately made their escape; the #, those who were detained, as surgeons and laborers; and the t, those who made their escape from Col. Ward's division, on his retreat, and did not fall into the hands of the encm,y. J. W. FAN TIN, Col. Comdt. WM. WARD, Lt. Col.

BENJ. C. WALLACE, l\raj. Lafayette Battalion'. WARRE,T i\[1TCllELL, )[aj. Geo!!ia Battalion. STAFF. -- SHADWICK, Adjt. J. S. BROOKS, do GIDEON RosE, Sergt. Taj. DAVID I. HoLT,t Qr. faster. JAS. FJELD,# ) ) Surgeon . ) AP'r. D VAL'S COdPAJ. 'Y-1 t nEGT. voLuNTEERs. JAS. II. BERNARD,#

Capt. B. IL Dnval, Lieuts. Snml. Wilson, ,J. Q. Ierificld · crgts. G. W. Daniel, J. . Bagly, E.T. G. Chi. cm, V. Dicker. on; Corpls. 1 . B. Hawkins, A. B. Willioms, A. H. Lynd, R. C. Brcshcar; rrivntcs "Cf. the 11st In Brown, J. II., lliator-v of Texas, I, 642.

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