The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF n.fTRABE.1.U BUONAP.\R.TE LAMAR -183 letters from [,V. II. J.]1 4 and in who e name a vessel is called- Genl. Lamar! let ew Orleans tell, let every Volunteer say who has been the mo t active friend for Texas. in thi City in the darkest day. Sir! I fought the battles of Texas in the 1 orth again t Almonte & the Eng. Editors of the mammoth sheet before Ir Toby was known other a factor who do11e some busines with Texas ferchants & trad- ers-Is it right Sir will you quietly permit it that thjs, man should in ult when he sees a constable after me in the street for debts which I incured for Texas when he the aaent with mean in hand could pre- vent at once? It is his bounden duty to pay me ca h, and he ought to be pleased if I hould be sa.tisfied with scrip. It i indecent unjust & shameful to treat me so-If I were going out of the country even to England or Africa she should redeem the country' credit· as far as he cau, but how much more so when he knows full well I would give all back again to that country should she require it. I wish then, Govt. scrip by order of ::\!r 'foby or otherwise suf- ficient to take up all the treasury note I hold as also for a few Sol- dier's bounty claims & head rirrhts-I wish the land given for 1 he treasury notes to be put at such a rate as that when my in realising [ t] <'ah shall have been paid I have the sum remg. for which those notes call. 1 want some friend to intr,,duce a bill (if ne.::('ssary) to this effect. I am Very Re pectfully & truly S. Perry [rubric]' [Addre sed] [Endorsed] :i'!Iajor Genl. lH B Lamar S. Perry, J. Orleans Attention of 1"ovr. 1836 :Major Houston Texas 1836. tfov. B, J. :MORGA1 TO 111. B. LAl\fAR, fCOLUi\.IBIA] I Columbia 1~ov. 8th. 1836 Sir, As you were acting Secretary of ,var a part of the time I was in Command at Gah·eston Island, will you be good enough to say, whether from your own personal observation, or otherwi e, you ever discover 'd any conduct of mine, while in that Command, that was in any wise improper, injurious to the public service or derogatory to the Charac- ter of an officer a man of honor & a gentleman Very re pectfully,- yr. Obt. Sert. J l\forgan . . [rubric] Ejon. M. B. Lamar [Addressed] [Endorsed] Hon. l\I. B. Lamar James i\Iorgan 'and My Reply. '¥fhese initials were written in the document and then scratched out. They probably refer to W. H. Jack.

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